Courageous Parenting Program

Practical Biblical Wisdom
to Equipping Confident Christian Kids During Unprecedented Times

- With Isaac & Angie Tolpin -

Your Legacy is Worth It!

This is the self-paced, online course for intentional Christian parents built on biblical theology, practical tips, and action.

Practical wisdom for every parenting season

Well thought out biblically sound curriculum that builds upon itself broken into 10 min. chapters so its easy to go your own pace and refer back to areas based on the current parenting issues you are facing. Forever access to your dashboard!
30 Pg. Biblical Parenting Blueprint
Summaries of main points, resources, and scriptures mentioned. Additionally there are six date night worksheets that have questions, assessments, prayers, and courageous parenting challenges to help keep couples in alignment and growing together.
LIVE & Private Community
Isaac & Angie do a LIVE 60 minute exclusive session in the Be Courageous app in the private Parenting Program group that reinforces the video modules and gives an opportunity to ask questions. FREE 3 mo. access to the app, but if you continue you get to stay in the group.

Self-Paced Online Courageous Parenting Program

A simple step-by-step self-paced roadmap to equipping confident Christian kids. 6 recorded video sessions broken into 36 chapters, 2 LIVE replays, and 1 LIVE webcast with Q&A. Additionally there's the 30-page corresponding Biblical Parenting Blueprint and likeminded community.
01 Theology
Biblical parenting foundations: Authority, Sin, Obedience, Grace, & the Enemy
02 Heart
Pursue the Heart, Influence Teachability, & Love for God
03 Purity
Purity of the Heart, Mind, Soul, & Body
04 Obedience
Practical Tips, Correcting Behavior, Ensuring Respect, Creating a Legacy of Faith
Equipping Tools, Discipleship, & Discernment
06 Courage
Balance Between Setting Biblical Boundaries & Not Parenting in Fear

Normal Christian Parenting is Largely Failing

70-80% of children raised in Christian homes are leaving the church by age 18

This program is helping thousands of parents defy the odds


Included in your program
- 10 Hours of Biblical Parenting Video Sessions
- 30 page Biblical Parenting Blueprint Download
- LIVE Online Training with Isaac & Angie
- LIVE Q & A With Isaac & Angie
- Private Parenting Program Group (In our private app)
- 2 Months FREE Access to the Be Courageous App
-Self-paced & Mobile Friendly
- Forever Access To Your Private Dashboard With All Content (outside of app)
Cost Comparison
The Cost of Disobedient, Non-Believing Children, Who Become Adults
The Cost of Counseling Depressed Mis-Behaving Teenagers
Only $3.99
per day
If The Course Takes You 45 days - Small Investment for a Godly Legacy
Normally $299 but at 40% off it's only $179 Today (Only pay $59.80 today with no-interest 3-pay plan)

Your Forever Access Starts Today!
Individual Couple Access
Small Group Access
"Don't let God's plan for your family slip by, He has a plan that starts today! Isaac and Angie are not afraid to speak Biblical truth, lead humbly and challenge the world's view of parenting in a way that few are willing. This Parenting Program will challenge you to take the next steps in your Biblical role as a parent."
Darren & Marissa Rice
"What Angie & Isaac have done in creating this is literally phenomenal. It has been life-changing for me, it has given me the vision for how to handle behavior challenges but also issues of the heart. It has been transformational for us. I highly recommend it, it’s one of the best investments we’ve made this year."
Brian & Keri Fosse
"After going through their parenting program and godly examples, we have so many answers to our confusing questions and have a game plan of how we can thrive in this important season in our lives! Isaac and Angie, thank you for modeling for us what it means to be courageous and not to fear this day and age. Thank you for leading the way by your examples in raising your children to shine brighter as this world grows darker."
Sammy & Natalia Cosa
"If you teach a man to fish then you feed him for a lifetime. Isaac and Angie have literally taught me “how to fish” in my parenting. Learning from them has answered so many questions I have about raising great children, but more than that they have built the launching pad from which I can answer my own questions in the future. What a worthy investment!"
Donte & Karissa McClendon
“Julianne and I felt God calling us to lead our family in a new way. God provided us the courageous parenting program. Beginning with a biblical foundation the program has given us the awareness and tools to achieve victory in the challenges of parenting today. The informative and easy to follow videos and resources have instilled in us the confidence to create a legacy that can impact others."
Steve & Julianne Folin
It takes a different mindset & approach to equip confident Christian kids during these unprecedented times

"And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God." Romans 12:2

Isaac & Angie Tolpin
Taught By
Taught By
Isaac & Angie Tolpin
It takes courage and more intentionality to equip confident Christian kids in today’s fallen culture.
Normal Christian parenting is largely failing today. Frankly, the culture is winning over the minds and hearts of children; and too many are leaving the church by age of 18.

Learning to be obedient to you from the beginning of their life is training to obeying God. We’ve been committed to doing what the Bible instructs for the last 25 years, much of which has been unpopular, uncomfortable, but incredibly fruitful.

Courageous Parenting is about understanding and implementing God’s design for parenting, so you can be courageous against the pressures of culture. It’s not easy, but if you implement the Biblical truth and practical insights that we share, you will be on a path to a Godly legacy too.
Quick Facts About Isaac & Angie
  • 25 Years of Marriage
  • 9 Children ages 3 to 24 Years old
  • Founders of
  • Millions of podcast downloads from 194 countries
  • Hosts of The Top-Rated Courageous Parenting, Resolute Man, & Heart of the Home Podcasts
  • Best-Selling Author of Redeeming Childbirth
  • Homesteading in the Mountains of Southern Idaho
  • Sought After Speakers on Marriage & Family

Five Frequently Asked Questions

Is the Courageous Parenting program for you? Need more clarity?
If we don’t like the program, can we cancel?

We will give you 100% refund provided you gave it a chance. Meaning you gave a fair shot by watching the videos and attending the live webcast. If you gave a fair shot by receiving the content and want your money back because it wasn’t helpful. Just write us why you don’t like it and we will refund you 100%.

Is the content live or can I watch it later?

If you can’t watch the LIVE, don’t worry, the replay will be available in the Be Courageous App to consumer while you have access. All other content in the program you have forever access to in your private dashboard outside the app.

Can I enroll even if my spouse isn’t interested?

Great question! While it would be great if you both were learning together, you can take it yourself. If you apply this knowledge to your parenting it will still be transformative. Your spouse can always watch later too!

Can I enroll if I’m a single parent?

Absolutely! We would love to have you as you are doing double duty and this will give you a roadmap.

How much access will we have to Isaac & Angie?

Isaac and Angie will be interacting in the private group in the Be Courageous app. In addition, you will have access via direct message in the app as well. During the LIVE Q&A, they will answer questions about anything you want to ask. You also get the app for free for two months, and access to your dashboard to your course forever.

Where is the LIVE session?

When you sign up the app will recognize you and offer it to you free for two months after you download and sign in to the Be Courageous app. Within the app is a private group that will only allow access to people who have signed up for the program. There will be an announcement in the group of when the next LIVE will be.

How does this work to do it with my Church?

Scroll up and hit “Start Group” if you’d like to create a small group with your church.

We can also work directly with a church to make it part of what they offer for parents.

The program has been working great for churches small and large and this is a huge part of the 10 million legacies movement.

Email [email protected] to discuss further.