The True Dangers of Screen Time for Kids | Melanie Hempe

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Episode Summary

“Screens are not all bad, but there are some that are toxic.” – Evan Hempe

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Video games, social media, smartphones, and pornography are all issues that parents today must navigate with caution, wisdom, and foresight. This is potentially one of the most relevant topics facing parents today: how to parent in a technology world? 

Not only do we as parents need to make some parenting decisions regarding how to navigate this touchy subject, but we also need to equip our children and teach them WHY! There are a lot of opinions out there regarding when or if you should give a teenager a smartphone with the internet, but what does the science say? In this significant episode, our guest shares her personal testimony of parenting a teen and young adult who struggled through an addiction to video games and how those lessons learned changed her parenting with her next three children and changed the trajectory of her family culture and her career. Join Angie as she, Melanie, and Evan Hempe from Screen Strong discuss the scientific evidence of effects on the brain and some suggestions on how to navigate the teen years.


Today’s podcast episode is a lively, relevant, educational, and fun conversation between a Mom and her son and host Angie Tolpin. Screen Strong has developed curriculums for both parents and children alike to teach “Kid’s Brains & Screens” as well as help parents navigate a detox if necessary. If you or someone you know is struggling with how to navigate parenting on these topics, please consider sharing this episode with them. We do not need to parent alone. There is so much information out there, but to have two older moms share their hearts, experiences, failures, and lessons learned is truly priceless and they don’t leave you anxious about the potential harms, rather, Melanie shares some tips, tools, and resources to help you as you stand strong in a culture that is shifting wayward like the tides of the culture.


Technology is a neutral thing, but as Christians, it is our responsibility to steward it well. It can be used for evil or the glory of the Lord. The reality is though, that most children don’t go to be influencers of the world or tech space, they go to consume and become influenced. 

“Producers vs. Consumers” as Isaac and I call it is the GOAL! But children need to be mature both emotionally, mentally, and spiritually in order to be ready to be a producer and not fall to the temptation of being influenced. Melanie Hempe shares the science behind when a young adult’s brain, specifically their frontal cortex, is developed, which is around age 25! 

The reality is that our world has been completely changed by technology. When you walk into a doctor’s office and look around, what do you see? You see, people sitting around on their phones. It’s easier to be on the phone than to talk to people, to strike up a conversation with a perfect stranger! The reality is that in most cases if posed with the option of being in a virtual world or a real-world experience, the virtual world’s appeal is high tempting because the risk factor is so low. We must challenge our children to develop social skills including getting their noses out of screens looking into people’s eyes and communicating in real time! 

I get it, there is a real challenge for parents today too. Screens are a tempting babysitter because they are so convenient. But we must do better, parents! 

Perspective SHIFT to teach your children:

Technology is a Tool, NOT a Toy. 


Courageous Parenting Challenge #1:

When reading the Bible, do NOT use your phone. Your kids don’t know what you are doing and may assume you are on email or social media. Also, nothing is as accurate and trustworthy as the physical Bible. Let’s model this in our daily life and at Church as well, folks! Who is in?!



If you have a child addicted to playing video games on your phone. 

DELETE THEM OFF YOUR PHONE. I guarantee, that after a few days or weeks (depending on how often your child played), your children will stop asking for your phone!


If you have a son or daughter addicted to video games or social media, they might have some symptoms such as being unmotivated to do “right of passage” type things like getting a driver’s license, sports, outdoor activities, etc… 

GET EDUCATED by going through the SCREEN STRONG Courses and curriculum or their detox program! (INFO BELOW)


Courageous Parenting Challenge #2:

Experiment with having NO SCREENS for 8-12 weeks (Summer) and instead, go through the ScreenStrong Curriculum titled, “Kids Brains & Screens” or one of their informative science-based curriculums (FYI: Homeschool parents can give a science credit for this)! 🙂 

What are people saying after going through the detox and not using screens? “My Kids are talking to me more!” Who doesn’t want that? 

Register today! Includes 13-page roadmap download



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Full Transcript:

Note: This is an automated transcript and misspells or grammar errors may be present.

Written By Angie Tolpin
Angie has been married to Isaac for 19 years and together they have eight children, whom she homeschools. She is the Founder of, a doula, the author of the best-selling book Redeeming Childbirth, and the creator of the first ever Christian Postpartum Course. Angie loves ministering to Women and has created a few online Bible Studies on Biblical Friendship and Motherhood.

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