#DoNotComply & Be Courageous

If the vaccinations work, why are the vaccinated getting so angry at the unvaxed? If natural immunity is twenty-seven times more effective than the vaccine, then why are people who have already gotten Covid losing their jobs unless they get vaccinated? Isaac & Angie answer and wrestle with these issues in this episode.

Main Points In This Episode:

  1. There are many holes in the logic behind forced vaccinations.
  2. Submitting to tyranny only leads to more tyranny.
  3. We believe God will redeem the tough situations for the people who stand strong against getting vaccinated and lose their jobs.
  4. If you feel like you should get vaccinated we have no issue with that. It’s a decision each person needs to make. But if people decide not to get vaccinated they shouldn’t be banished from work and societal freedoms.

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Full Transcript:

Note: This is an automated transcript and misspells or grammar errors may be present.

Welcome to Courageous Parenting podcast, a weekly show to equip parents with biblical truth on raising confident Christian kids in an uncertain world.

Hi, I’m Angie from courageous

Mom and I’m Isaac from Resolute Man.

We’ve been married for twenty one years and have seen the fruit from raising our eight kids biblically. Based on the raw truth found in the

Bible, we can no longer let the culture win the hearts of children. Too many children from Christian families are walking away from their faith by age 18, and it doesn’t have to be this way. It shouldn’t be this way. Join us as we start an important conversation about effective parenting and the fall. Welcome back to the podcast, everyone. Hey, guys. So we’re so excited to be here with you. This is a very kind of heavy episode, but important and has everything to do with parenting because as parents, we have to make really careful decisions. It’s becoming harder to make good decisions in this world, isn’t it?

Yeah. And there was no example for us as parents and how to walk through the specific issue that we’re going to be really talking a lot about. Yeah, because a lot of the things that are happening in the world right now, as far as America is concerned, it’s the first time ever. And as far as certain tyranny and different things like that, we undertook about that.

And for many of you around the world also. So it’s really an interesting time. And we felt compelled. We felt like the spirit was, you know, drawing us to talk about this. We get so many questions from people or so many just updates now tragic updates of having to quit their jobs, 20 years of being a nurse or police officer or whatever the case may be. And it’s just really, really sad to see that we know the truth that for Christians, God’s going to redeem that for the individuals if they continue in obedience to him and God has some great plan for you. We believe that. And but it doesn’t mean it was should have happened the way it is having to quit your job because you won’t get vaccinated, for example, and those kinds of things. Hey, did you catch the new episode on Friday?

Ok, guys, we’re super pumped about this and we’re curious what you think. So please leave us reviews and even just specifically tell us what you think of the new Courageous Kids podcast.

Yeah, it’s all part of courageous parenting. It’s the Friday episode that is our kids teaching your kids. Or, you know, you might just love listening to it to find out more about our kids and what’s going on, and there’s good wisdom in there.

This was so fun, you guys, because you know, we’ve been doing the podcast now for almost three years. December is coming right around the corner and just a few months, and we will have been doing this for three years and our kids. Obviously, this is like a team effort. You guys know that while we’re shooting, our kids are oftentimes helping with your younger siblings. And you know, a lot of what we share in the podcast is stuff that we’ve had conversations with our children about. And that’s one of the motivators is that we’re teaching our kids these things. And then a lot of parents oftentimes are like, Wait, what did you teach them? And I don’t know that. And so we wanted to encourage you guys with that. But we’ve got a lot of recommendations where you’re saying, Hey, my kids love listening to your podcast. And so we started thinking, Well, what if we had our kids on a podcast? Then your kids might even like that more so we actually talked to the kids about it. They were all super enthusiastic.

Shocker was not convincing on our part.

Our eleven year old, he just turned 11 was like the most like, so when are we going to do it? When do I get to do it? Yeah, super pumped up about it. Megan, who’s 16, she did the first episode, also was really excited to do it.

So so it is really pretty cool and I’ve been enjoying the experience with the kids. They come up with ideas and but I just helped them organize how to put their ideas together in a short period of time. It’s 15 minutes or less. The first episode was Ten Minutes, and that’s with the new bumpers. The intro and outro to the podcast episode intros Megan Outro for a few seconds is drew. And then in the middle, it’ll be a different kid each week. So that’s great doing teaching some kind of wisdom, sharing stories about their upbringing

That they’ve learned along. You know what they’re experiencing with God.

So we’d love to hear. I hope you play for your kids, and I hope it’s a blessing to everybody. We just are consistently looking for more ways to impact one million families and their legacies, really to equip them to. And we’re doing this together. It’s a together

Movement. You know, it got me thinking, too. And when you’re just sharing that one of the things that for me, I am a truth teller, I really value truth. And over the years, I don’t know if you have ever thought this, but a lot of times you see people on social media or you even listen to their podcast or maybe even read a book by them, but you don’t actually know what the fruit is like in their family. Are they teaching what is real in their family? And we’ve always tried to be a very open book. We we have a couple of kids that are on social media. Our three oldest kids are on social media and they share their lives. Like, sometimes, you know, one kid shares a lot more than others just because of her personality. But we wanted to invite you guys more into our lives so that you can see that there really is fruit. And this is why people who are in our real life were encouraging us to do this ministry because they saw the fruit in the kids. And I don’t I don’t say that to impress you, but to impress upon you the importance of knowing who it is that you’re. Listening to and this is why, for example, second, Timothy talks about having qualifications for elders like your your pastors should be qualified to be teaching, right? The Bible says that how are they able to be leading the household of God if they can’t even manage their own households? And so we are doing this podcast for many different reasons. It’s also a great experience for the kids to learn public speaking and stuff like that for home schooling,

And they are getting credit. That’s right. Academic credit for doing.

That’s right. So they’re coming up with topics, creating out lines, practicing public speaking. It’s just been a fun experience for them.

So in Luke, 21 15, this is an interesting scripture actually for right now. I think it’ll be encouraged by it for I will give you a mouth and wisdom. What does that mean? I’ll give you a mouth. I’ll give you a voice. Your voice will be influential. You’ll make a difference with your mouth. That’s what I believe that says for. I will give you a mouth and wisdom to different things here.

Both are given

Platform a an influence with people around you and wisdom to use that influence. Ok, which none of your adversaries will be able to withstand or contradict. That’s a nice promise. These are red letters, folks. This is Jesus. All right. So this is this is really cool. You will be delivered up even by now. It takes a little turn here.

I know what you’re talking about in times. Just, you know,

You’ll be delivered up by even even by parents and brothers and relatives and friends. And some of you they will put to death. You’ll be hated by all, for my name’s sake, but not a hair of your head will perish by your endurance. You will gain your lives. Hmm. We don’t perish, right? We go to heaven. And this is unfortunate. And some of the COVID stuff you see the beginnings of encouragement by governments to to tattletale tattle there, to really turn each other

In having those. What are they called the hotlines that they had the phone hot tip hotlines where it was like, Oh, if people in your neighborhood are meeting together and there’s more than ten people call the the

Hotline, you can just see where this is going, like vaccine passports are happening. It’s Italy, right? Wild, wild stuff around around the country now. Pretty soon there’s going to be fake vaccine passports by the unvaccinated to keep their jobs. Pretty soon it’s going to be a brother telling on a brother because his vaccine passports fake. You know, you can just kind of look forward when you do certain things. These things start happening. People start turning each other and oh, they’re they’re unvaccinated. There’s two levels of society the supreme vaccinated and the

The inferior

Inferior unvaccinated people. Dangerous people. Right, right, right. So it’s just very interesting. And we’re talking about potentially where things could go. We’re looking at scripture here and we’re

Telling different people would view those different groups

Also. And so it’s so sad. God is not a god of division. God is God of unity, right? He even says not to judge the unbelievers like, you’re talking about a spiritual thing. Where to judge those who do believe make judgments like discernment and so forth? Right? We have to make judgments about who our kids are spending time with and things like that.

And we need to be judging whether or not what’s being preached from a pulpit is blasphemous to scripture or misinterpretation, which we talked about in one of our podcasts when we went over Romans 13. Because a lot of churches are taking that passage out of context to fit a narrative, to get people to do a certain thing that they want. And so the reality is that we need to be careful. We need to have the fear of God in us recognizing what James 3-1 says, which many of you should not be teachers, my brother, unless you receive a stricter judgment or a more harsh judgment in some translations, say the reality is that we need to be humbled, right? We are all in all over the world, are living in a much easier society, and there is an element where that easiness of life can become an idol and creates pride to where people just say things flippantly without actually having that fear and trembling in their heart towards the Lord, understanding that they lead people in a certain direction based upon what they say.

So I want to just give props to the Daily Wire. You can look it up daily. Wired.com: I think and they’re on Instagram and everywhere. It’s Candace Owens as part of that show. Ben Shapiro, you know, lots of interesting people, conservative guests. I mean, hosts, I mean, that are sharing truth. And I want to give props to them because they are not complying. They have over one hundred employees and they’re not complying with the mandate in the United States. For all employers, over 100 hundred employees to, you know, force vaccinations or, you know. Prove a test consistently, so I think that that is wonderful, we are paid subscribers to the Daily Wire. We get nothing, but I would encourage you to pay for that. We need to support organizations that are going to stand for truth, and I love that. I think more people need to not comply. So let’s use the hashtag even that they were putting forth. Do not comply.

Right. And I think that, you know, this is an important resource that Isaac is bringing up because we get a lot of messages from you all saying, I don’t know. I don’t share stuff because I don’t really know what is fully true and what isn’t true, right? Well, there are some solid outlets where you can get truth because they are doing due diligence and verifying information. And so there are just a couple daily wires, one of the ones that Isaac has promoted. We’ve also talked about the Epoch Times, right? We get that newspaper as well. So there are a few little resources that we’ve used that might be helpful to you.

Now I was thinking it was interesting this morning. I feel like I was getting prompted about the future of the ministry and how we can continue to proclaim truth, because even this episode, we wondered if we should do. Do you guys know, even on iTunes, there are certain things you’re not allowed to talk about? There’s biblical viewpoints you can’t share. And iTunes is 80 percent of downloads for podcasts. 80 percent of podcast downloads for us at least come from iTunes, and I think most podcasts are that way. So when we think about this one talking about vaccines or COVID in a little different angle than the vaccine episode, which you should go listen to if you haven’t already fastly becoming the most listened to episode ever, which makes sense. But I think that I think, you know, we decided to move forward because we can’t not share something. But as I was thinking about it, I’m like, Wow, do we need to build an app so people have their own ability to put us on their phone or have access to? Does it need to be an app somehow outside of the Apple Store? And how do we do this? So as we get canceled in the future, we can still project information out there. And I’m looking at the Daily Wire as an example. They built an app there. You know, the show hosts get canceled in different places, but the message continues because you’re still able to get access the immediate sense. What I know for sure is we need your email address because we need to stay connected. We need to notify you of any changes we’re making because there really is an alternative economy that’s going to have to be built and is already being built. There’s already people talking about it, which is really interesting, which is the inclusive economy, which is the economy that says, I don’t care if you’re vaccinated or unvaccinated, I’m in the service to you. I’m going to serve you. You can come in. Isn’t that funny that we’re as conservatives? We’re talking about creating an economy that’s more inclusive, right?

Because those who are more liberal are actually the ones that are excluding others and canceling them. Hey. Very interesting.

If you feel a conviction and it’s important for your family to be vaccinated, we’re not going to treat you any differently or look at you any differently. That is a decision you make on your own. But what we’re talking about is when there’s a forced effort to do something to your body in an experimental way. That is a whole nother story

Or in a or with something that’s not just experimental, but there’s the issue of aborted fetal tissues, which we talk more about in depth in the last podcast because not all vaccinations have it in there, but all of them have been tested with using derived from. Yeah, and they’ve tested on fetal cells. And so it’s important that you understand that that is not just an ethical issue, that’s a biblical issue. If you are a Christian, then you claim to believe what the Bible says the whole Bible, not just part of the Bible. So go back and listen to that podcast because there’s it’s very clear that we, as Christians, need to take a stance on this.

And hey, by the way, I know the hardship of having plenty and losing it and having no immediate, clear way of providing for my family when we had seven kids.

But that’s what it’s also. Can I just say boldly, that is what the church is for. And if you’re part of a biblical community and a church, they should have a benevolence fund where they’re able to help you through that. You need to go seek wise counsel and I mean, wise counsel. That’s going to lead you to be courageous and do the right thing, not just an hour long to get along.

And for, you know, since COVID began early on in two thousand nineteen twenty twenty well,

Twenty in America, it was twenty twenty, but it was over season.

So in 2020, we were talking about on our podcast how it’s important to have two or three sources of income and be building side hustles and things like that, and to be less dependent on, you know, corporate America and these kinds of things. So now we share with our kids, we’re for them working for somebody, but only for a timely. I think it’s most important, ultimately that they’re entrepreneurs. You know, when you’re young, you got to learn things and work for people and learn things and so forth.

So apprenticeships, though with like minded people, are the most ideal and so they can learn a lot of different skills without having to give up their personal convictions on whether that’s vaccinating or mask.

So I’m thinking about that. I’m thinking about each kid is wired and we should do an episode just on that, how each kid is wired and how to kind of direct them in directions that they’re passionate

And how to find people that can have that vision for pouring into the next generation as well because they are the future economy.

Ok, so so I’m going to dive in here. I’m just going to reel through something. I had this. I’m like, some things are just not making sense out there like, you know, they’re forcing vaccinations and all these things. But you know, anyways, I’m going to run through this because I had to get to my whiteboard and just and I prayed and I got my whiteboard out and I just I wrote a word and then an arrow to the next thing that happened and the next thing and next thing. And that’s what’s in front of us.

And then we talked for a long time about this and we went over like, OK, what are the most important questions for critical thinking that people need to be thinking right now and they need to teach their kids to be thinking this way also, and it’s literally just asking questions. You must ask questions. You’ve got to teach your kids to ask questions, not to just believe what authorities are saying and pushing you to do.

So go listen to that critical thinking episode, by the way. But this is logic, right? Logic is an important skill, which is what you’re talking about. Yeah, OK, here we go. I want to take a moment and give you something for free. If you haven’t got it already is the date night one sheet. It is a beautiful document you can download that Will has some key questions on it for your date night to just get in alignment about what’s most important for your family, no matter what time of year, it’s always important to recalibrate. You can get that by going to creative parenting and subscribing to our mailing list. Also, you can get all of our show notes and everything a courageous parenting. And I also just want to share real quick about the parenting mentor program. So many families are being transformed by going through this. It’s the six week self-paced program with live engagement from us and even direct interaction. So if you want to join us, here’s a little bit more about it. You can find out more at courageous parenting.

Steven, I realized that we were getting too comfortable with the world’s vision of how to raise our children, but Angie and Isaac have done in creating this is literally phenomenal.

This program provided awesome scripture based teachings and just some really great practical applications.

This class has just really rocked my world. It has given me the vision for not just the different things that we might focus on as parents who are trying to raise our kids biblically, like how our kids are behaving or what we’re doing with discipline, but also the things of the heart. We now have a game plan to how we want to raise our children. We have so many answers to the questions that have been in our mind. It’s not just these hypothetical situations or it’s not just this. Here’s what I think you should do. It’s let me show you where in scripture this is. Do your legacy a favor and yourself a favor and just do it. One of the best things that we’ve done this year, one of the best investments we’ve made this year, and I could not recommend it more. We’re no longer fearing dark days

Ahead, but we’re so excited to raise the lights to be leaders for the next generation. So about half the. People get vaccinated, give or take. All right. The real detail people are going to, you know, know the exact number, right? The vaccinated


Starting to get sick. Jesse Arrow, more are the vaccinated. In some ways, more susceptible, susceptible. With the vaccination, is this a question? I don’t know what is the real like? You can’t trust all the data coming out. You have to look at this whole thing. So just bear with me here. Or are the vaccinated more susceptible to getting like the Delta variant, for example? Ok, now what is proven is natural immunity is better than the Vax 20 seven times better. The new study just put out that’s verified and good now. Vaccinated people are increasingly becoming mad at the unvaccinated

And angry, and they’re scared of them. Hmm.

Too late. Is it too late to be wrong and the vaccine? Too many people have done it, too much money. There’s too much billions of dollars to be made.

Well, they would have lawsuits against them if they were wrong right now.

To in order to help the vaxxed, the vaccinated, they’re forcing everyone else to get vaccinated. Now I know they say it’s to help everyone else, but there’s so much. But if people angry at the unvaccinated and if we’ll go in in a second, but why would they be angry at the unvaccinated? If the vaccine worked right, so why else is all of this happening? Well, recently, Afghanistan happening. So let’s talk about the control in the United States, the mandates that just went out and there’s more coming.

So it’s not just the United States, it’s been happening in Canada and other places

Around the world. So why else is this happening? I was thinking about, well, Afghanistan was a complete blunder. Biden’s approval rating is thirty nine percent, I think the lowest anyone’s any president seen in a really long time, and that means it’s crossing the lines. Cnn is reporting bad things about Biden. So when that starts to happen, you know, there’s real bad things happening for the president. And so a distraction. And what is the one way he can follow through on something that his side cares about, which is making sure everybody is vaccinated because there’s so much angry against the unvaccinated? They’re hurting people, right? So that’s a possibility, right?

They’ve cultivated because they’ve cultivated a fear.

So then there’s Big Pharma, the money to be made and they’re against, by the way, anti vax solutions like ivermectin and all these things hydrochloric. So which are proven to work. There are non vax solutions out there that have been out there for a long time. Ok, right? So then the perhaps another reason why is to get rid of people who you can’t control from power?

Hmm, that’s interesting. Get rid of people from control of power. You mean like they get fired because they’re not complying with the vaccine passport or they quit because they’re that looks better on their transcript, right? So basically flushing those conservatives or people who would be critical thinkers and be pushing against just following? Yeah, right. Pushing them out.

Collect data for future control purposes. Ok, doorway to control populations with future shots or no freedom. There’s people that got one or two shots that are like reluctantly got one or two shots. I just want it to go away. I’m going to do my part. They believe it’s under the banner of loving thy neighbor. And so they do this thing OK. And now they’re like, Well, you’re no better than someone that got zero shots unless you get the next shot. And then pretty soon, you’re no better than with your three shots than unvaccinated unless you also take the pill. There’s a pill coming. Ok. Pills bigger. I don’t know what they need a pill for. So now illusion, this is an illusion of freedom purchased by controlling your body. Do not comply. Now, let’s go back through this and have some discussion around this. I’m not saying I’m right. This is what flowed out on a whiteboard and Angie not discussed, but I was just trying to get my head around this because there’s there’s a sticking point. Why would most importantly, maybe we skip right to the sangeet, which is why are the vaccinated is so angry at the unvaccinated if they believe the vaccine works well?

And it’s not just anger, because anger in my mind is one thing. There’s also fear, which is even more important. I mean, a lot of times fear is what dictators have controlled countries using. It is the main tool, right? Anybody can shout and be angry, but fear to instill that in other people. That’s where power is. And so what they have created is that the people who are not all people who are vaccinated are this way. We’re not making clothes closet blanket statements here and saying to all people who got vaccinated or are fearful of, No, that’s what I’m saying, because some of you may have gotten vaccinated because you believed that that was the best option at the time. We get it. There’s been a lot of deception that’s happened. The reality is what Isaac and I are talking about is why we need to ask the question why? Why are those who are pro vaccine both angry and fearful of people who are not vaccinated if the vaccine works? Because if the vaccine works, they should be like, Oh, I can live with no fear. I can go out with no mask, I can get it at A.. But the reality is, is they are. Even most of them are even more fearful that you’re there. It’s that agenda that is pushing the whole vaccine passport. I’m afraid you can’t come into my business unless you’ve been vaccinated. Why is that? The reason why is because of two things. Either one, it’s actually more political than it is about. The virus has nothing to do with the virus. It’s a way of dividing the country. And number two, the vaccine doesn’t work

It, and it appears it’s just not working to the level they hoped it would.

And it’s well. And not just is it not working against protecting them from getting COVID, but a lot of them are getting a more dangerous version, a variant of COVID right now.

This is debatable. Like depending on what you listen to, you can believe either direction of that. A lot of people believe the vaccine does help. Well, then why would you be fearful, though? I’m vaccinated, by the way? Twenty seven times the natural immunity is twenty seven times better than the vaccine. This is a vast study. There’s doctors talking about this. You should just Google anything we’re talking about. You do your own research. We’re not going to list things. We have done research. We see what’s out there. We agree that we’re not 100 percent right. I think anybody that says I’m 100 percent right on this. You can’t trust because there’s so many unknowns, but what we can see is human behavior. What we can see is all these different things that happen over the last two years with COVID and what we do and we have to discern with wisdom,

What we do for sure is fear. We for sure see anger. We for sure see people, excluding others because they are full of fear and anger.

So why would you force someone who’s already had COVID like our family? We’ve already had COVID. Why would you force them to get vaccinated when what God already did with our bodies is twenty seven times better than what man has come up with?

Yeah. It doesn’t make any sense, but I mean, everyone knows that common sense has gone out the window with this whole thing in the last.

So natural immunity is great. It’s it’s important. And they thought that the vaccines would help natural immunity. It would add on to it right. We can get more people immune to the vaccine. So there’s people already have it or natural immune and then people get vaccinated and haven’t had it yet. They join in that crowd. Now we can eradicate the virus. Now there’s mutant things that happen, right Delta and moose coming now and these different things. They all know that they all knew that would happen. Right. So what is going on here? There’s a myriad of things for control. We also know on the outside of things that there’s a movement towards Marxism, there’s a movement towards the socialist agenda. There’s a movement towards creating fairness across the board, which creates the most unfair system you can imagine.

But fairness across the board, it only exists when there’s control, and that’s why they’re trying to get control over everyone to be vaccinated.

Well, they seem to go together. They seem to go together, and you can call us a conspiracy theorist, but it’s actually the evidence is everywhere for these things. Again, we don’t know if we’re right. If you got vaccinated, we’re not going to condemn you. You’re welcome in. If I had a business, you’d be welcome in my business to be vaccinated. You’d be welcome in my business if you’re unvaccinated. If I was leading a church, both would be welcome. What is going on is divisive. It’s not right. It’s not what the Bible says we should be doing, and we should not be controlling people and controlling their bodies. Now, if you are in that situation where you’re working in a company with over 100 employees and they’re enforcing this. Then I would say do not comply. I would say make sure they fire you. I wouldn’t walk away. I would say it’s usually better. Make sure you do your research to be fired, then walk away because of something like this. I think that down the road, there’s going to be a lot of retribution for this because this is completely wrong.

And that’s actually what needs to happen in order for things to change is people being brave and standing up and and being willing to take the hit short term for actually, I’m going to just say it for our kids generation. I mean, you guys see the memes, the quotes from Ronald Reagan, from Thomas Paine all over the place, right? That is a cry for freedom in this generation and the next and understanding that we have a responsibility so that our kids can have it. Isaiah forty one point thirteen I just want to share this is a really encouraging versus says for I the Lord, your god, hold your right hand. It is I who say to you, Fear not, I am the one who helps you.

God is the one who helps. And, by the way, don’t feel like you’re alone. The nurses and doctors are quitting in the droves. Police officers, firemen are quitting. You know, people who work for the government in all aspects are quitting in the droves. I mean, there is going to be an economic challenge to this. It’s not like you can replace these specialized people, these servants in our public, and it is going to create a challenge. And I think that they need to feel the challenge. If there’s no challenge, then they’ll just go along with the control.

You know, one of the other questions that we were discussing the other day, not just the question of why are people who are vaccinated, fearful and angry at the unvaccinated if it works? We were also just contemplating why is it that they have had such a struggle to find an effective way to test people to see if they have the antibodies? Um, and and if so, if they can’t really fully test people to see if they have the natural immunity, how in the world can they claim that they have a vaccination from that same disease, like the first needs to exist in order for the second to actually happen? So why is it that it’s not an important if it’s really about our health, if it’s really about understanding who is not in danger or not, they would have a clear way for us to be able to determine if you have a natural immunity to COVID. And I know people go, Oh, but then there’s all these different variants and blah blah blah. Yeah, OK. So we had the like, the one of the very first ones. I don’t know if it was original or not. We had it in March before the shelter in place lasted a long time.

You can go back and listen to our podcast. We kept plugging away while we had it, and that was hard. Ok, but it was an it into is a real thing. We had a kid with walking pneumonia, but the reality is, guys, we we did. We haven’t even been sick. We have one. We had one kid that was sick for a very short period of time with something like a year and a half later. But other than that, our whole family, there is 11 of us and we have not been sick at all and there have been multiple variants. So wouldn’t that just tell you like if there’s multiple variants that you’re probably immune to all of them because we’re out and about, we have not worn masks since June or July of 2000 and twenty. We have germ magnets. We have three kids under five. Yeah. So the reality is is why is it that they can’t test people and then make that be like worthy of a stamp and a passport to say you don’t have to get vaccinated? Like, not that we even need that. I’m not saying we need that.

I think they can’t. I think they can’t accurately.

They can’t accurately test it. So if they can accurately test it, we need to ask the next question. Then how can they accurately have something that helps people to not get it?

Now, some people listening, oh, they can actually accurately test it. I don’t. I don’t believe that they can right here at Colossians to eight see to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy. An empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world and not according to Christ. What are the elemental? I like that word elemental. It’s like elementary. It’s like novice. The elementary spirits

Like actual things.

Yeah, tap in a cup. Yeah, so elemental. Elemental spirits of the world. We have to be careful to be obeying. Entrusting tyranny. People going against it

Would be careful. Ok, so careful to not write, be submitting and

Submitting tyranny to tyranny and recognizing, recognizing within ourselves how we might be that slowly cooked frog. Oh, but it’s just this and oh, but we need to love our neighbor and all this will go back and listen to our other episode on on the should Christians be forced to vaccinate. You know, it’s it’s really important that you realize what is next. Like, if we don’t take a stand, if we comply to this kind of thing, then the next thing is going to be worse. Right, we have to take a stand. These are movements we’ve already allowed our statues to be destroyed. Right, that’s a that’s a step towards socialism. I know because I have a lot of family that grew up and lived in Venezuela. That’s a step towards socialism. Ok. All these things that are happening, these steps now, everybody’s used to submitting to putting whatever the government wants to put in their bodies.

Mm hmm. It’s just another step. It’s another elemental spirit, you know?

Right, yeah. So hey, we will make sure we get to practical parenting tips and so forth. But there are over hundred and forty episodes in most of them are like that. This is a parenting podcast. This has everything to do with parenting, especially today.

I I can’t encourage you enough to recognize that as parents, we have to do things sometimes, oftentimes most of the time that sacrifice our own comfort. Ok. I think a while ago, Isaac made a post something about Make sure that your kids are not choosing comfort over freedom. That starts with you as a parent, and I think a lot of times if you guys have been listening to our podcast for any amount of time you’ve gone through the parenting program, you know that we are huge advocates for looking in the mirror for being honest with yourself, taking the rose tinted glasses off and actually asking the hard question of is my child acting this way because they are mimicking me? Are they losing emotional self-control because I don’t practice it in front of them and model it? Are they having this conviction? Because I’m a person of no conviction? I can’t tell you how many times Isaac and I have been in public where we have seen families, where the teenagers are masked up and the parents are walking without a mask. There is division in families that should not exist. And part of that is because those parents have allowed their kids to become indoctrinated with the teaching that they themselves are vehemently against. And so they may be modeling it now, but for the first 14 years of that kid’s life, they were not speaking deep conviction and following your convictions to their kids.

So there’s an unlike mindedness happening within families. I don’t want that. Do you want that? Do you want your kids to grow up and have totally opposite views than you? Or do you want there to be like mindedness? I’ll tell you, we read from Luke twenty one verse 15 today through 19, and it warns us that parents will be turning in kids and brothers, turning into sisters and so forth, and friends and relatives and different things. That is a fruit of not proactively teaching your kids and teaching them the whys behind why you have certain convictions, and it always needs to go back to the Bible. That is a reflection. That warning and Luke twenty one is a reflection of parents, not discipline their kids and teaching them what is most important to where they have a trust and a like mindedness founded on scripture and on Christ. They kids must, regardless of where they go to school, who, what teachers have been in their life, they must have a respect and an honor for their parents to wear. It’s not an enforced thing. It’s not the parent going. You need to respect me instead. It’s the kids going, Oh man, I love and respect my mom and dad because of how they’ve lived their life. I love them. And the reality is that that does not exist in many homes today.

Amen. Well said. Let’s pay attention and let’s support organizations and businesses with over one hundred employees that aren’t going along to get along that are not complying. Let’s find those and encourage them along because we need more companies to stand strong and we need to stand strong. You are your company and when you stand up, maybe others will stand up and it makes a difference.

Yeah. So you guys regarding this podcast, we really would be encouraged if you would share, because likely it’s going to experience censorship somewhere, right? Yeah. And so we know that we talked about it, we contemplated, is this something we should go to? But this is the most relevant thing that you guys are asking questions about right now. You have to ask the hard whys and keep asking why until you hit a brick wall. Teach your kids to always ask Why take them to the word to find your answers? That’s what we do. This is new territory for everybody. And we have the same Bible that you have.

And if you’re like us, you feel it. You feel the wrong. In all of this, you feel the hidden agendas. You can see the lack of logic when you just write it out. It’s crazy. Write it out for yourself and what you see happening. This happened. Get vexed for safety helps herd immunity. Half get vexed. Vaxart are getting sick now. Are the are the vaccine more susceptible?

There’s no value for those natural immunity.

Natural immunity is proven to be better than the vaccine. So what’s going on here? Well, the vaccine are mad at the UN vaccine. Why would they be mad? It’s too late. Is it too late to be wrong about the vaccines? So they’re going to push forward? It’s a it’s so nice to help the vaccine force everyone else to get vaccinated. Why else would they be doing this in a whole slew of reasons, right? You could do your own logic presentation as a married couple to each other and

Even to your kids. Please talk to your kids about this because otherwise, if you if you don’t and you think that they’re they’re too young and they’re not going to get it like they see people wearing masks, they see the signs. If they can read, they see it. You guys, they hear you talking about it somewhat. You need to ask them if they have questions and try to answer the questions in a way that they’re going to understand. Guys, this is the thing we should be valuing all people. And the reality is, those who have natural immunity are not being valued at all. Those who are untaxed are not being valued at all. Babies who are who have been aborted. They have not been valued at all, and that industry has been furthered by these organizations that are pushing vaccinations that should bother us.

So we’re not to have a spirit of the world, we’re supposed to have a spirit of God. And this has the spirit of world of all of us all over it. Ok, well, we’ll be praying for everybody, especially all those messaging us and sharing and talking about it. We do pray for you and we pray that God redeems your hard situations

And that he gives you strength and courage. There’s no reason to fear in this world. Remember what it says in the word OK and Luke, that not hair on your head will be touched. Some may die, but not a hair in your head will be touched because we have eternal life in Jesus Christ alone.

Amen. Thanks for joining us.

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This is an incredible, self-paced program where we cover everything from obedience training to overcoming mistakes most Christians are making. But more than that, it’s a supportive community. You’ll have access to our private online group, live webcasts and the courageous parenting text message line where Angie and I can send you weekly encouragement straight to your phone

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An Insider’s Take on Afghanistan, Persecution, & What’s Likely Ahead

We aren’t a guest show, but sometimes we make an exception for worthy discussions. This is a must-listen as Isaac interviews Andrew Yeghnazar as they discuss the fastest growing church in Iran, Biblical perspectives on the current Afghanistan situation, and how we can be a part of God’s solution as Muslims relocate. It will stir up courage in you to reject passivity and raise up courageous Christian kids. 

Andrew Yeghnazar was born in Iran, lived in Asia and the middle east before moving to the UK, and finished high school and college. He then immigrated to America. He has worked in the corporate world helping grow American businesses globally yet has a passion for missions. Andrew’s father founded Elam Ministries (Elam.com) in the UK serving Iran and the Iran region. Andrew serves on the board of Elam in the US. Andrew is a graduate of the Harvard Business School’s Executive Education Owner/Management Program. An internationalist, Andrew has been to over 50 countries and loves languages, culture, and cooking international foods. But his most cherished title is Dad – and his favorite pastime is spending time with his wife Laura and their three boys – for real. Just a normal guy/dad trying to make a little positive difference and encourage “Familyship”.

Main Points In This Episode:

  1. Andrew shares about growing up in Lebanon playing with bullets and shrapnel as toys.
  2. His journey immigrating to America and his passion for getting Bibles in the hands of Iranians and Afghanistanis and supporting the underground church.
  3. Why freedom is important and the need for Americans to reject passivity and become faithful doers.
  4. A prediction that the Afghanistan situation is going to get much worse based on his first-hand experience with the Iran hostage crisis of the past.
  5. Why the Biden administration is only allowing Muslim Afghans to come to America while rejecting Christian Afghans.
  6. How God may be able to redeem this situation by people spreading the Gospel to newly arriving immigrants. 
  7. How they are using technology to equip the underground church.
  8. A new plan to use AI (Artificial Intelligence) to reach more people for Christ.

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Scripture In This Episode:

Acts 1:8 –But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”

1 Timothy 2:1-2 –Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence.”



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Full Transcript:

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Welcome to Courageous Parenting Podcast, a weekly show to equip parents with biblical truth on raising confident Christian kids in an uncertain world.

Hi, I’m Angie from Courageous

Mom, and I’m Isaac from Resolute Man.

We’ve been married for 21 years and have seen the fruit from raising our kids biblically based on the raw truth found in the Bible.

We can no longer let the culture win the hearts of children. Too many children from Christian families are walking away from their faith. By age 18. And it doesn’t have to be this way. It shouldn’t be this way. Join us as we start an important conversation about effective parenting. Welcome back to the podcast, everyone. We’re so glad you’re here. Now, I don’t have Angie with me today. She needed a little break, but we have a special guest, which is rare because this isn’t a guest show. It’s usually Angie and I doing our thing. But every once in a while, when there’s a worthy person with a word worthy cause, we make an exception. Bring them on. And Andrew Yeager, Nizer YEG Desert, Youngness, Earth. Yeah, I just met him, by the way. That’s why I can be OK with that right now. We literally met yesterday,

Yesterday, day before

Yesterday for you out there. Yeah, that’s right. Yeah. So go ahead. Yeah, go ahead. That’s right. You came down. They came down on TV. I mean, the kids were getting ready to go as if you know about gearheads. You know what I was dealing with. It’s horrible. But anyways, yeah, we briefly met then and then. Are your friends in our new friends? And you are. Our new neighbors were baptizing their son in the river and we came down, had some fun together. So anyways, Andrew’s here because he’s just got an incredible story. And maybe we could start you just sharing a little bit about your background. Sure.

Well, it’s just it’s great to be with you and to to get to speak to to some of your friends out there. Yeah. And just to share some stories. My name’s Andrew and my wife’s name is Laura. I personally grew up and was born in Iran and have lived in a number of different countries, the Philippines. My mom is English from India. My dad is Armenian from Iran. And so those of you are not sure where that is. We can go to the you can go to Google and figure that out. But the born in Iran and then moved to Lebanon. And and since then, I’ve lived in a number of countries. But about 26 years ago, I came to the states and I’m a very proud American. I have when I became an American citizen, my wife actually arranged for our local congressman to fly the flag over the Capitol, D.C. So they flew the flag. I’ve got that in my office. It’s always been whatever office I’ve been in. Yeah. And so that’s kind of the background. My wife grew up all over Africa. Yeah, she’s from Italy. And so we’re kind of an international family. Very much so.

But you had an interesting childhood. I mean, just a little bit I heard, because, you know, your formative years, you’re in Iran and then you’re in Lebanon while there’s a war going on.

So that Lebanon was really the what for me. Yeah. Growing up in a war torn country. And I remember going to school sometimes sometimes like going to school for like four or five months. And then sometimes you go to school and the friends were not there the next day. And so you grew up quickly because you never knew if tomorrow would come. A lot of the folks in my parents’ family were like, why are you living in Lebanon? It’s a danger zone. And I always remember my mom and dad saying it’s always safest to be in God’s will. Doesn’t matter where you are. It could be total turbulence and calamity going on around you. But if you’re in God’s will, you actually feel his peace. And so that to me, I grew up in Lebanon and I saw what it was like to be affected by war. My collection, my toys, I remember climbing on, you know, Humvees and personnel carriers. There was a time when we had three chieftain tanks and a couple of jeeps with laser guided missiles in our backyard. And so that was kind of you know, that was just what we grew up in, collected, you know, for toys. We collected shrapnel, bullets and all kinds of stuff. So it’s a different upbringing. Yeah. And nowadays we live here. We don’t want our kids playing tag because they might get hurt. Right. Right. And so it’s the world of states.

Yeah. Yeah. Well, people are a little soft and they’re very

Like, that’s OK. Just rub some dirt.

But you’re talking to courageous parents here, so. Exactly. This is a different crowd. You have these people. So in Andrew’s coming on because he’s part is on the board of an organization, Elum dot com. You can look it up Eelam dot com. But there’s so much going on in the world right now. The church in Iran is spreading like you wouldn’t believe the Christian church. It is unbelievable. And they’re not allowed to exist. It’s literally an underground church. And we’ll talk about that. We’ll talk about, you know, what’s happening in Afghanistan. He’s got a you know, a bird’s eye view into some of those things. And I just thought this was fascinating because you see what’s happening in the news. And, you know, Christians are being persecuted at greater levels than ever out there. But at the same time, God’s church is also growing in an accelerated rate. Yeah. Especially in these war torn areas, in these areas where the persecuted. Yeah, it’s well,

It so this is where our pastor, you know, sometimes says that we live here in the states. We live in a the Disneyland of the Christian world. In a sense, and I’m from California, and so we can relate to that. What we’ve seen happen in Iran and we’ll share a little bit about that now is. What’s going on there? What’s happened there since 79 in the last 40 years and now what we see transpiring in Afghanistan, very, very sadly, we see, you know, people who are helpless. We see people being harassed, tortured. And while we see all of that. The question is, is there another side to what? Is there another purpose that God can bring something good out of this situation? And that’s kind of what we went through when we looked at Iran. And I always like to go back to the Bible because we’re not reinventing anything. And what we’re seeing today is not very different than what’s happened many times before. You look at the Bible and we’re sitting here, how, you know, whether you’re in Idaho, Chicago, L.A., wherever. What do I know about what’s going on in Iran? You just need to look at your Bible. We have the luxury. I guarantee you, you probably have more than one Bible in your home right now. Whether it’s dusty or not is up to you. But the fact is, you look at the Bible and you see how is that related to Iran. You look at the book of Daniel.

Daniel was the prime minister of Iran. Now, he was a Jew who was appointed prime minister. Think about that other foreign country. Yeah. You see Joseph now. Joseph was not in the same kind of test. Joseph was an Israelite who became a ruler in a foreign nation, not Iranian. But just the idea that how God takes people and puts them in awkward situations and then comes through for them and builds good out of it. You see, Esther was the queen of Persia and who saved her people. And so you see Iran in that region, you know, all spread throughout the Bible. And you see, OK, Lord, you obviously had a plan for that part of the world before you look at Nehemiah. It was the funds of the the Persian Empire that actually paid for the rebuilding of the temple. Nehemiah Esra, you’re like, wow. It’s amazing how God can turn things around. And as we look at the situation today, we can share a little bit about what God is doing in Iran. Yeah. But as we look at the situation today, whether you’re watching, you know, no matter what news network you’re watching, what podcast you’re listening to, what what what you’re reading. It’s not good news. Mm hmm. And how can we see God’s plan come through this? And how can he use us to actually be his disciples, his witnesses in this situation and to try and bring good.

Amen. And it’s interesting because we can get so down if we read the headlines and all these things, and you can start to lose hope. But then we’re always reminded by what the Bible says. We have the greatest hope they exist. God is sovereign. He is in control. He is not purposely making every single thing happen. There’s sin in the world, but he is the redeemer. And he can work out these things for good. As you’ve seen in history, there’s so many things in biblical history that have happened in that way. And so, you know, it’s interesting when I was so excited when I met you. Well, you have a great smile and you’re fun to be around. But other than that, it was I find out you’re from Iran. And I’m like, wow, this is really interesting because I was reading this article about how the church is spreading over there in such an oppressed place right now. And literally evangelists will be going to speak to somebody and God will appear to them before they show up. And then literally the person that they were going to speak to says, are you the ones that are going to share about God with me? And I’ve read these things, and a lot of times even the guys are getting killed over there and there’s things happening to them. And then the women pick up the baton and are going out and evangelizing and helping run churches. And it’s just really remarkable. God’s going to do it. However, again, Wright is here.

So this is where I love the title. Courageous Parenting. Yeah. So courage. Right. That is the one thing that we need in the church today. And that’s the one thing that we see in the church and have seen in the church in Iran for the last 40 years. There was a time where there were missionaries who were there. We had sent missionaries for years from the UK, from America. The revolution came. All the missionaries had to leave. So the national church had to stand on its foot, on its feet. Very similar in Afghanistan today. There were thousands of people there. They’ve all left for the most part. Some have been left behind. Right. But they’d be leaving in Iran. What happened is this when Khomeini came to power. And introduced his version of what Islam is all about. The people reacted to that and what the Christians on the ground were able to do was share the love of Jesus. It wasn’t going in there and fighting and debating, but it was as believers living day to day life in a sacrificial way and in a very bold way. So now, you know, as a minister, Islam is involved in taking the gospel to Iran and the surrounding region. We’ve been doing that for many years and doing it with different groups. And the stories we could tell you, I mean, amazing stories of generally of genuine miracles that have been happening, but God using everyday, ordinary people.

Hmm. Moms, dads, children who have the boldness to be able to take the scriptures, which is one of the things that we have really invested in the most, in which the American church has been unbelievably generous in helping us print. We’re on our second millionth printing, taking in the gospel, sharing it where people are then able to take that Bible and put it in the hands of a total stranger, ask them if they can share something with them. Typically wrapped very nicely as a gift to give to people. Hmm. And people will welcome it. I can tell you story upon story, when somebody receives that gift, puts it kisses, it says, I’ve been praying for this. I’ve been looking forward to this. Stories of friends who have driven out in the middle of the night, one o’clock in the morning, stopping at a red light, and the Lord says, OK, that’s the car. I want you to go give it to having the boldness to get out at that red light. Tapping on a window saying, I have a gift for you. And the guy’s like, I knew I was going to get it. I didn’t know when I was going to get it. I’d be waiting for this gift. God told me I was going to get this gift and then taking it.

It’s such an amazing story because you probably are aware of this, but there’s tremendous risk for that person in the car to roll, even roll his window down and give this away because he can be killed. He could be. Oh, you know, you’re not supposed to do that. You don’t know who that person is.

You don’t know. And you’re not

Supposed to be listening to the spirit. Roll the window down. Give the read the they can’t read books, right?


Yeah, that’s right. Yeah.

I wish I had one with me. It’s actually this scam. You know, it’s a it’s a maroon color. Yeah. I wish everybody knows it because even at the airport, when they’re leaving their signs to make warning, passengers leaving the country do not bring this book back in. Well, guess what? When the government tells you not to do something, guess what you going do? We’re doing it. But know that that and. But the boldness, having gone to jail. People have lost their lives. And we were just chatting before, you know, here in the States, it’s difficult for us to understand how somebody loses their life, loses their family. We just sometimes can’t understand that. But they lose their jobs. There’s that economic persecution. They’re totally ostracized from families. But amazingly, what happens when these folks come to know Jesus? Yeah. They can’t but share and literally their families by the whole families, they will bring their families to the Lord. Yeah, because they’re sharing very openly. Yeah, we get embarrassed going down the street and saying, hey, we want you know, if somebody comes into your office, do you have your Bible on your desk or do you put it into your drawer? Do we not want to be known by that? And so from a perspective of being courageous. Yeah. Courage needs to be backed by action. Yes. And that’s what we’re seeing there. And God is blessing and protecting through that action. And you’re seeing now in Iran, actually the largest growing church in the world in many ways. Many God is using different groups. There isn’t just one group, but God is using different groups. And part of our ministry is to help equip the church.

We have a lot of listeners in Australia, in Canada, obviously, ton in the United States and all over the world. But to our Canadian friends and Australian friends, where there’s lockdown’s right now, where churches literally aren’t allowed to meet. This perhaps could be an encouragement for you guys to meet in homes and to defy what they’re saying and have small groups in the underground church could be going there. We are not to forsake the meaning. Right. We’re supposed to continue to meet. And so maybe this will be encouraging to you to take action if your family is not meeting for church and the government is telling you not to. That’s not OK.

That’s OK.

And let’s think about our brothers and sisters in Iran. They’re losing their lives. Yeah.

So we we went through this whole pandemic. Yeah. And I’m not here to say that you should have done this. Shouldn’t have done this different places. Did it differently in our church back in L.A., you know, we stayed open. And I’m speaking as somebody I don’t think you even know this. I had Covid. I was in hospital twice. I was actually in ICU as well. While I was in ICU. My family could come and see me. Covid, really? Yeah. And so but we came up with like, you know what? We dealt with that. Hmm. And for us, the meeting with the believers, I can’t tell you how precious that is and how important that is. Yeah. And so as we’ve been separated, we’ve been taught to stay in our homes. We have to have fellowship. Yeah. We are created for fellowship. God created us for fellowship with him. And in the same way, that’s how we are, actually. I mean, you need to be in fellowship. I would encourage you to be in fellowship. And that’s how our folks in the country are are able to stay connected. Yeah. Now they’re bold. Yeah, they’re bold because they’re meeting. They’re not supposed to be meeting. Yeah. And we’re able to use technology to communicate.

How are you using technology?

So we have move through different through different websites to different through different channels that might be used to counsel people here in the states or we’re using to connect with people over there. Ok, so what is used for a cancellation here? We’re using for connection on that side of the world. Love it. And so, you know, just like they couldn’t keep Jesus in the grave, you can’t keep a good thing down. Yeah. And so we will use technology. We have to be smart. Yeah. And we will use that. So but what is happening is, is the hunger on the receiving end. And I would just encourage, you know, wherever you are and. Don’t just turn the TV on or the podcast on when that happens, when there’s a few of you in the room, spent time in prayer with each other, spent time encouraging each other, spend time getting to know each other beyond just turning on the TV and shutting it off, because that’s great that we feed our mind. But we also need to have that fellowship with each other, too, and then help each other in the communities that we are through practical things. I think those times are coming, too.

Yeah, totally. Let’s talk a little bit about what’s happening in Afghanistan. You have a little bit of a bird’s eye view into that. Obviously, there are more than 150 Christians left behind. As you know, some of the State Department people would say so. But what’s just give us a sense for what’s happening over there.

And and so the whole our focus has been on Iran. And as we look at Iran in the region, you have similarities in language and with the Dari and the Pashto. But when you you know, as we’ve been looking at Afghanistan since for the last 20 years, and then you look at the history of Afghanistan under the hunger of the people, there’s actually so many different people, groups that make it up. The situation that we’ve seen on television recently, it’s been very sad. I’ve been following things. I’ve had friends who’ve been going through. Whether it’s with with the State Department or through other groups that are, you know, going on the ground, they’ve seen the atrocities that have been taking place. Some we hear on the news, most of it we don’t. And whether we like it or not, we’re out of Afghanistan now, in a sense, my personal concern is that we haven’t seen the worst of it. I think we’re going to see things transpire and we will be exploited. They will use the media to exploit it. And my heart goes out to people who are still on the ground. Yeah, I think it’s fair to say that some people just felt the calling.

And I’m not talking here about American citizens or Afghans who worked with the U.S. forces to help. But there’s there are believers on the ground who could have escaped, who chose to stay. Interesting. Who are saying who are suffering. Hmm. But for them, there was that that was their calling. I think there’s many people who wanted to leave who simply could not leave. Yeah. And that to me is is just a travesty. Yeah. That being said. We we we serve a God of impossibilities. Mm hmm. And who takes a tragedy and can make something beautiful come out of it? Yeah. We plant a seed. That seed has to die and then it produces that fruit. Yeah. And the blood of the martyrs has always been what has propelled the church forward. Mm hmm. We can’t understand that. But in Afghanistan today, unbelievable challenges going on. There’s groups trying to help people get out in very clandestine ways. We’re supposed to be courageous. Right. And so we have people of courage, genuinely trying to help people outside of certain parameters.

Well, I know there’s many veterans that are still there right now trying to help people through their client, the Underground Railroad. I was just reading. And they have these interesting routes and ways to get in and try and find people. And you can get them out, right? Yes. And they’re right. As we speak right now, it’s in the news that there’s six, I believe, six planes on the tarmac at the airport that are not allowed to leave, that have American citizens, Christians, Afghans who, you know, Christians and so forth, that they want to leave and they’re not being allowed to leave. So it’s a total blockade. It’s there’s not cooperation happening with again. And and that’s what’s boggling to me, that our State Department, that our president could believe you could actually get along with trust and the Taliban to to do anything.

Yeah, that is wild. There’s so much history packed into that statement. Yeah. And so much you could go into. Well, the answer is no. Yeah, you can’t. You can’t. That’s a very simple. And I wish we had your audience looking back at us right now. Right. And we could see their face like I can’t believe that we we thought this would happen. I think I think the way we did things, whether we should or shouldn’t have and the way we did things will be studied for four decades, actually. Yeah. But what we know is this is I mean, basically the administration, the White House, the State Department, these guys, it doesn’t seem that anybody was actually talking to each other. Mm hmm. But that being said, you have these folks on the ground. There are people trying to get them out. Mm hmm. If we can’t stay organized in our in our country here, how do you think they’re going to stay organized over there? So you’re going to have all kinds of factions coming about, which then creates opportunities for people to do things that are creative, to help people access freedom, which is really what this is about. Yeah. This whole concept of freedom, which we take for granted, where we have taken for granted, except in the last couple of years, with all now the the mandates and controls and where this stand here, do this do that. We’re starting to see just a little bit of that going away. But and that side of the world in Afghanistan, when you talk about freedom, there’s no such thing anymore. And so how do you do that? This is all access to freedom. Yeah. Which we are. It’s freedom loving people. Yeah. Understand. We see that we are we value that and we want others to have it, too. And now when that is snatched out from under them and you see now what their life is going to become if they’re allowed to live, it’s a different world altogether.

Let’s talk about freedom for a second. Obviously, it’s a God given thing that we’re to to be free, we feel, and inside our selves that we desire to to be free, to be creative, to to do good things in the world, to be productive, to marry, to to raise family and safety in these things that we feel a desire who you want. Right. Yeah. Yeah. And we desire these things. And, you know, countries that infringe upon human freedom, all we see is destruction when that happens. But what do you see happening in America? Because you have a unique perspective because you weren’t born here. You know, what do you see happening to the freedom here and why do you think it’s happening?

Great question. Well, first of all, I’m a I’m American now. Yeah, I’m not a something American. I’m American. Yeah, my kids are American. And to me, America has always been this this ideal of freedom. Right. I’ve lived in countries where people are not free. I’ve traveled you know, I’m a I’m a businessman. I’m in the marketplace. And I’ve traveled to over 50 countries. I’ve had the privilege of being in some places that are free and others where you’re told to stand there and you will. Otherwise, you’re going to be you know, you’re that freedom will be taken away. And the. It’s so precious that so much blood has been poured for this freedom that in some ways it’s just being taken away left and right from us here. To me, as I look at freedom, we’re chatting about this earlier. You know, the first like almost the first writings on human rights are in the Bible. You look at Daniel and King Cyrus was really writing that his decree on freedom and civil rights. That was a Persian king, an Iranian king writing about freedom back in the book of Daniel that has then been taken and developed. And now here in the States, we have the you know, we have this God given right. And the pursuit of freedom and happiness. If we’re not very careful. Right, I see those being eroded. Anybody looks at it. But even if you live in the states, you have all these regulations from state to state. You can see where you have more freedoms or less freedoms. But from a from a national perspective, the way we’re being attacked and you seeing these mandates coming down, pressures being put on corporations, the government becoming much bigger and the individual becoming much smaller. Hmm. We actually have to stand up and again, be courageous. It actually starts with parenting, because if we’re not bringing up our kids to be courageous and to be bold, very soon they’ll take away other things and the things that we know we should be doing, we won’t have the courage to do. And eventually, that all goes away.

And the only way your kids are going to learn that is if they witness it. You can’t teach courage out of a textbook. Yeah, it is them watching you endure hard things, trusting God in the process and sharing about it with your kids so they can help pray in their part of the process of watching God answer those prayers and come through and watching you stand in faith and walk forward and courage to do what is right. And so you can’t teach that any other way than by example.

Yeah. But again, I don’t know if you guys can see us, but you can hear us. The first time we met. Yeah. You were leading your kids out in that field by example. And it’s important for your listeners to hear that what you and Angie are saying. I think you’re actually living out. Oh, thanks. Because you were out there showing them how it needs to be done. You had three of your boys out there. Right. I saw that because we drove up and this was just literally two days ago. Yeah. And you hadn’t sent them out there to do something. You were showing them how to do how to get rid of these goat heads. And so to to to the folks out there listening and who are following Isaac and Angie, from what I’ve seen, they practice what they preach. And I saw your kids interacting with our family the other day. I’m telling you, the most well-behaved family and kids. A big series. Yeah. You didn’t pay me to say this, right? No. No. And so what happens is not because people who are investing time and listening to you need to know that this is the real deal. We have so much fake stuff out there. Yeah. And so I’m just genuinely looking at you in the face and saying your family’s beautiful. Thank you. Your children respectful. Right. Able to sit there with discipline and engage your son, telling me about what he wants to do, how he wants to start his business, what he wants to do here, what he wants to do there. And I just I just want to commend you. So if you’re listening to this, whatever Isaac and Angie are actually sharing with you, they’re actually living out. And I’ve seen firsthand the last couple of days and I’ve heard about it from our mutual friends. I just want you to know. Thank you. I mean and I mean.

Thank you. What’s been a delight to meet you and your family, too? So it’s been it’s been super fun. I want to take a moment and give you something for free if you haven’t got it already is the date night one. She is a beautiful document you can download that will has some key questions on it for your date night. Just get in alignment about what’s most important for your family, no matter what time of year. It’s always important to recalibrate. You can get that by going to Craig’s parenting dot com and subscribing to our mailing list. Also, you can get all of our show notes and everything, a courageous parenting dot com. And I also just want to share real quick about the parenting mentor program. So many families are being transformed by going through this. It’s the six week self-paced program with live engagement from us and even direct interaction. So if you want to join us, here’s a little bit more about it. You can find out more at courageous parenting dot com.

Steven, I realized that we were getting too comfortable with the world’s vision of how to raise our children, but Angie and Isaac have done in creating this is literally phenomenal. This program provided awesome scripture based teachings and just a really great practical application. This class has just really rocked my world. It has given me a vision for not just the different things that we might focus on as parents who are trying to raise their kids physically, like how our kids are behaving or what we’re doing with discipline, but also the things at the heart. We now have a game plan to how we want to raise our children. We have so many answers to the. Questions that have been in our mind, it’s not just these hypothetical situations or it’s not just this. Here’s what I think you should do. It’s let me show you where in scripture this is. Do your legacy a favor and yourself a favor and just do it. One of the best things that we’ve done this year, one of the best investments we’ve made this year, and I could not recommend it more, no longer fearing dark days ahead, but we’re so excited to raise the lights

To be leaders for the next generation.

Appreciate that. So we have these. So right now we have the Afghanistan challenge. And what I understand is that they’re not letting the Christian Afghans come over there, letting only the Muslim Afghans come over. And that’s why there is kind of controlling that. Whatever the reason is. And whoever is controlling Biden, we don’t need to go into that. Everybody has theories on that. That’s right. But what’s interesting is God is the redeemer. And so you have all these Muslims coming over in. What is the solution? What’s the opportunity? What’s the harvest? It’s opportunity here. And I was so that’s one of the most exciting reasons I think I brought you on is because I’m like, wow. Sometimes we get caught in the challenge, but we need to shift and go, what is God going to do here? And if we’re looking for what God may be doing, we can be part of God’s solution is right.

Right when our present. So the way I like to look at it and by the way, we’re sitting here, beautiful mountain scenery. We look at the landscape. God looks beyond that at the Inskip. Right? I’m reading here. Can you share scripture? And we do from Acts chapter one. Verse eight says, but you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you. And you shall be witnesses to me in Jerusalem and in all of Judea and Samaria and the ends of the Earth. We see the situation happening. I don’t know why this administration is letting one person and not another. It seems that they’re letting people of one faith in and trying to restrict those of another that’s between them and God. Right. But what I do know is we’ve all seen people. Clamoring to hold on to those planes, some of them actually falling to their death, tragic. Which just tells you about the situation, just that one picture

In the fear of staying in that country

Or staying is so that’s clear, right? Yeah. Now they come over here. You and I had no control of who comes over here. In times in our life, we are dealt things that we have no control over. But a reaction, we do have an ability to choose how we respond. And now all of a sudden, we have. And by the way, this is what I love about this. It says you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. You saying, I know in your own power you may not be able to love this person who comes from Samaria. The Sumerians were were other than the Jews. They were they were different. We have many times in scripture you will see how the Jewish person would not even walk through Samarian if you had to or she had to. They would wipe the dust off their feet. Hmm. There’s people who are different than us that God sometimes brings into our lives. How we respond to those people is important. And, you know, as we were talking earlier. To me, America has always been this place where people came to had a dream to come to and they assimilated,

Meaning they learned the language. They learn the ways of America. And they joined us with everyday joint.

That’s why they came. Everybody was equal. Everybody everybody had the equal opportunity. Yeah. In the sense that my wife is from Italy. Right. The Italians came over here. Yeah, right. And and I teach them because they’re Italian. I said every every Italians named Tony because they would stamp on his forehead to New York. Right. And so they go to New York. Right. The Italians would come here, but they wouldn’t allow their kids to speak Italian because they wanted them to assimilate the Poles. The Germans would come here. They would speak English.

I love you. For example, you say you want the Ferrari example.

Oh, yeah. I mean, so I’m from England, right in England. You see somebody driving down the street with a Ferrari. You’d say lucky so-and-so. Right. His dad must be rich. His mom must be rich. Yeah. In America, you see somebody driving a fancy car or living in a big house. The concept was, you know what, if I work hard, save up, I can actually go and do that myself. To me, that was the American way. And you assimilated and then you actually influenced the culture. And I think people listening here, you know, based on my understanding of your because these are influencers who are listening right now. Yes.

Well, meaning there are a lot of incredible moms and some dads. We have more moms listening than dads, but we’re trying to work on that. Get the dads on board. But yeah. And that’s in you know that that’s what you’re saying. When influencers you’re influencing the next generation have an incredibly productive.

Oh, very. No, no. And this is where but this is where my problem with America is, is we’ve become we’ve shifted from this melting pot. Yeah. And become a salad bowl. Yeah. In the sense that we’re all the same bowl. But tomatoes don’t mix with lettuce. Lettuce doesn’t mix with the cucumbers and this and that. Right. And that to me is is scary. Hmm. Because what happens is America was about coming together, about this freedom to be here, but then to cooperate, to collaborate and build something together. And now what we have going back to the Afghan issue you have now, you know, we’ve had history of different people, groups coming here and suddenly being dispersed to different locations. Mm hmm. Yet they all stay

Together and being encouraged to keep their language and not learn absolutely. English.

Look, I. We should be speaking English. Yes. In America. I agree. No, and this is a somebody who I speak six, seven other languages. I love languages. Amazing, right? I’m a person of the world. I get a book and learn other languages. But. We need to be able to communicate. Yeah. And so now when these people come here, we can’t leave it to the educational system. Right. Because they already shown us that they can mess things up. So if the church doesn’t respond with these people that are coming here now, these Afghans that are coming here with the love of Christ, you know, and not to say that we’re better than you, but to say that this is what we believe. This is our worldview. This is why we believe what we believe. This is the things that what motivates me to serve you when you come into my community. I want to tell you about Jesus, because he changed my life. Mm hmm. My my politics is informed by what I believe. The way I act as an employee or as an employer to the people that I have working for me is based on my faith. It has to inform everything I do. To think that we can segment things in America, we don’t. We until recently, we didn’t talk about God or politics. The rest of the world, there’s only two things to talk about God and politics. Right.

And so I keep telling everybody those are the most important things to talk to your kids about everybody else.

Right. But those are the two things. We just don’t. That’s, you know, that’s you know, we don’t we can’t do that. But that’s like guess. And now people who do that because we haven’t done that, families are not getting together anymore. But we have to go back to this is like if we can’t that the mission field is coming here now. Mm hmm. You didn’t order it, but it definitely landed right on a plane here,

Our southern border. Also, the Afghanistan. And what happens is they’re coming in all different states. Yeah.

You and I can’t stop somebody coming from the southern border, right? I’m an immigrant, right. I came here legally. Right. Right. My wife and I came here legally. It’s incredibly difficult process to go through, an incredibly expensive process to go through. But so I’m an immigrant. But we have people flowing through the border. So we have our government not enforcing our laws. Yeah. Right. But when those folks are here, whoever they are. Right. They have to we have to engage. We have to engage our community. Otherwise you put people in a corner and we’re going to start seeing what happened in other countries being replicated here, because I guarantee you, everybody who was on that plane is not a saint. Right. Right. Yeah, that’s for sure.

Right. What an easy way to mix in some terrorists.

I mean, it’s not rockets.

Get them across the country. Yeah.

No, no. And that’s that’s that’s why I say we haven’t seen what those decisions are going to impact on us. Yeah, I think we’re going to be reaping those. But guess what? They’re not just going to be attacking Republicans. Right. Or they’re not just going to be attacking Democrats. They’re going to affect Americans.

So I love the concept of, you know, reaching these people. But when they come over, they’re all in a group at first, I believe. Yeah, right. And then at some point, they’re allowed to be in society. So what do you and they speak a different language. So how does that happen? How do we share the gospel?

So, first of all, I think there’s there’s different Christian organizations that are being called on right now to try and help in the places that these refugees are being being held right now. Yeah. Right. So if we didn’t share the gospel with them over there, they’re being brought here. We have to do that. We do that in a practical way. And this is where, you know, it’s you know, Jesus came. He also healed the sick and he fed people. So there’s two practical things that we have great example in. Jesus is not just like people say, I don’t want to get involved in politics. Well, no, we have to, as we read in the Scriptures and Jeremiah, it says, you know, we work for the benefit of the city. We want to help. We want to pray in Galatians. We hear about praying for our leaders. But then practically, there’ll be groups that you may know of and maybe you are involved with that will be able to get involved in that. We’re trying to do that ourselves here with a couple of organizations to be able to offer our services, because Farse and Dirie, there is similarities between the Persians and the Afghans to be able to serve them. And the fact that they can’t communicate with these 5000 people in a in a holding camp at camp, wherever one of the tells you that they’re not all translators. So just in case you were wondering, but the fact that they can’t be communicated with, we’re trying to actually find folks who speak the language, who love Jesus, who can go in and be sharing the gospel. Well, then what’s going to happen is they’re going to come to cities. Mm hmm. Right. And they’re not going to be sent to L.A. or New York or Chicago. They’re probably going to end up in places like Arizona and Nevada. You know, New Mexico, places that have certain colors referred to a certain colored state. Right. Right. With longer term ambitions. Right. That being said, they’re going to come into the community and we need to be able to show the love of Christ in a practical way.

You’re saying kind of behind the scenes of what you’re saying, I think is let’s influence future elections.

I think that’s what I meant to say. Yes.

For the Democrats. Yes. Yeah.

I think it’s. So that seems to be the case. That seems to be the playbook. Yeah. Right. And it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out. Yeah. However. If that was the plan, yet the person that engages with me is somebody who believes a different way and puts their faith into practice and is courageous enough to to engage with a person different than their own culture, color, background, whatever. Right. I think that’s where you get to influence. Yeah. And what will happen is. I think there’s many more I haven’t seen the stats yet, but I believe there will be many more men based on what I saw than were women. How that’s going to impact is going to be a different story. But I think the women need to be reached. The children need to be reached. The people coming across the border. Absolutely. In the same way, they’re not all from one country either. Right. There really aren’t. But are we engaging them and are we inviting them into our world? As opposed to allowing them to change the world around us. I think there is a difference

Now on the tech side of things. You were talking about something really interesting with A.I. So artificial intelligence. Right. And what are you guys working on in that regard, too?

So as as I mean, as a ministry, we use technology to communicate with children’s programs, with satellite TV, with books, et cetera. I personally, as a businessman, I’m involved in a startup that does an AI startup that is using dialectal speech. Transcription. So when something is spoken, being able to turn it into a script and then having that can be translated to English as well. So it’s transcription and translation. I’m involved in that. And that we’re actually doing in Arabic right now, but then looking at other languages as well. And that’s just as a business. So the technology is there that will be used that we’ll be able to communicate with people. But and this is why we just encourage whoever’s out there, whether you’re a mom that’s taking care of your kids or a dad who is trying to come up with ideas. They’re, you know, got the same spirit that was there at creation when God created the world. Yeah. And brought clarity and then went through the process of creating things that same Holy Spirit actually lives in us. That’s what I was referring to, an X1. Yeah, that seems creative spirit. We should be asking God, give us the ability to be creative, whether it’s to start a business that can reach these people groups, whether I can do this to to to create some wealth that I can then invest in your kingdom. Yeah. To help print Bibles, to do whatever. It’s that we cannot separate these things. So as a business person, I cannot say that it’s more it’s the pastor who is who’s doing God’s work. No, no. If you are not doing God’s work as a mom in raising your kids as a dad, raising your kids as a dad, being an example, being courageous enough to lead and be the spiritual leader of your home, which is another massive issue. Yeah. That where we’re seeing dads abdicate their responsibility. I’m sure you’re passionate about that. And we’re not leading from the front. This leading from behind Nunsense. Right, is what is that?

Where did this. I mean, people are so passive. It’s remarkable. Dads are passive. Not all some of you are amazing, but a lot of dads are passive. And that’s a big problem. Pastors are passive. They’re not willing to talk about the hard issues. They’re closing down. The churches are caving to authority, you know, these kinds of things. It’s there’s there’s there’s this misunderstanding of doctrine that’s happening that because God is sovereign, he’s going to take care of everything and we don’t need to take action. And all I hear from you is I trust God. And we take action. We listen to God and we take action. And I love having you on because you’re such an example to organizations, such an example of taking action, encourage despite the risks and in moving forward. And I just think we need that to rub off on more people in America and the other countries around the world. I agree. And so I love your.

No, no, I love it. I get all my examples from the Bible. Yeah. What you just described is David, son of Jesse. Yeah. Had brothers. Yeah. Who were fighting. Allegedly fighting. Right. He goes and takes them some stuff is that says take this bread and cheese to your brothers. How does he take it? He runs. He runs. That’s the obedience that this young man had. He goes there and he sees these guys looking and there’s this giant in a ridiculing his God. And he’s like, hello.

What are you guys doing? Nobody doing anything. Why? Nobody doing

Anything. Now, he could have said, OK, I’ll take care of it. I should be doing what these guys are these jokers are doing. And he’s like, no, nobody’s going to insult my God. Yeah. He didn’t wait for God to put those five stones in his pocket. No. Give him the slingshot. No, he was ready and he had a bias for action. And I think that’s what’s missing in the church.

His faith was ready. That’s what was right before Bible Earth was there. His faith, his trust, his relationship with God was so close, he’d seen God because he was taking steps in courage beyond his own strength and protecting and taken on a lion or whatever he was doing. And he had already been living that faith of God’s going to take care of me. God’s going to show up and and he’s going to provide and all these things so that when Goliath was there, he’s already ready and he was ready. Now he’s ready to go.

And we need to be ready, but we need to be ready. Right. See, I love your passion, because that to me is what this is about. And we’re expecting God to do stuff. God’s like. I gave it to you. I put you in that job so you could reach this person. That’s right. I gave you these kids so you could be an example. Yeah. I think one of the things to the dads. And but I think one of the biggest things that we’re dealing with is busyness. It’s the curse of busyness. And I was saying before, the biggest fallacy, a slower day is coming. We’re sitting here thinking, you know, what will we I’ll do this when I do this and do this and then I’ll give talk. Now, God has put that battle for you today. So fight that. And it doesn’t have to be a giant.

Oh, that’s like the dad, which I’ve been this person before. Oh, I will spend more time with my kids once they conquer this thing, because then I’ll have more money and I can create more freedom for my family and provide and all these things. And then that moment comes in. You’re already in a rhythm and things get more busy. It never, never, never, never arrives. So we just need to be intentional, diligent to the jurisdiction’s God has given us right now, first and foremost, our families and whatever else God has called us to do.

And there’s no better way to influence people around than doing things with your family.

Yeah. Right.

When you engage your kids, I mean, that’s one of the biggest struggles I have. I mean, I still remember my first pair of Adidas soccer cleats, right? Until that, I was about 13 or 14. All my friends had these fancy shoes. I had these shoes that, you know, were embarrassing, had holes in the bottom kind of canvas. And I still remember that. Right. We want to give our kids everything, but we’re actually hurting them by doing that. And rather than being that example to them and giving them the tools to fight the battles that we know are coming down the road. Yeah. Today we know we’re talking about Afghanistan. We’re talking about the people that are coming here, how our world is changing. We’re talking about the pope. But actually, it starts in the home. Yeah. And I think if as fathers, we cannot be the example, if I cannot look my kids in the face and say follow my lead, then I need to be getting down on my knees and asking God for forgiveness, you know, asking for his grace and for the courage to be able to confront the things in my life that are not right.

Yeah. And then as a parent, as a as a couple being that example, how do you teach your boys? We have three boys, so I don’t have daughters. How do I teach my boys to take and respect their mom so that one day they will respect their wives and to serve in a sacrificial way? That is just how Christ died for us. Amen. And that’s really what we’re talking about, is being able to share these things with people here in another world that’s kind of like the other parts of the world. But we have to do it in our own Jerusalem if I don’t do it at home. Yeah. How can I share it with an Afghan family who moves down the street? Right. I’m not going to be able to do it because they will look at me and say, your life doesn’t match up with your words. Right. And that’s, you know, a lot of times they look at us as a nation saying, you say you’re a Christian nation, but look at what you’re doing. Yeah. And so I think, no, you’re spot on.

It takes courage, too. Well, any final encouragement or actions you want to ask people to take up to?

First of all, this has been fun. Yes, this has been super fun. Did you should tell you how I showed up for this wearing my mascot?

Oh, yeah. He was messing with me. He were in the little courageous parenting headquarters, the little studio. It’s like 300 square feet on this land, you know, and he comes up wearing a mask. And I’m just like instantly new. You’re making fun of me.

Yeah. No, no. This has been great. This is I would say, from a ministry perspective, if you guys want to learn the audience, what’s known about Islam Ministries, they can go to Elum dot com, Eelam dot com to see in many of the different things that we’re doing in in the states, in other parts of the world. And, you know, some of the biggest churches in America are supporting the organization, different mission agencies, different foundations. And we truly appreciate that. The focus right now is in getting scriptures into the hands of people. So there’ll be some stuff they can look at there and educate a little bit more when it comes to the issue of Afghanistan. There’s challenges we haven’t seen the worst of it yet. Yeah, I think I’m scared in a sense that of what we’re going to see happen. I grew up with the Iran hostage crisis. I see all of this replicating itself. I see things going on TV. And the fact is, though. Sadly, you touched on this earlier. We are so apathetic as a nation right now. I think it may take us seeing things on television screens in our living rooms that we would dread to see until we wake up to actually what’s actually happened is going to transpire as a result of the decisions in the recent past few weeks. That being said, I think there’s the other side of it, and that is the opportunity that’s being placed in our laps or the challenge to share God’s love. And you don’t need to wait for an Afghan family to show up on your doorstep. You have people from all over the world. They might be from the Middle East. That might be from other places in your community. You might have people from, you know, parts of Africa, parts of Asia.

And and then we have our own, you know, local Americans. I mean, in L.A., we have thousands and thousands of homeless people on the streets. This is the United States of America. And we have a homeless pandemic, the likes of which are I don’t see in other parts of the world. So I would say we need to engage in society. I think our pastors need to preach with a Bible in one hand, but also a newspaper in another. Amen. In the sense that guys engage, engage the culture. Yeah. If you don’t engage the culture, the culture is going to take over you and you are going to be not only irrelevant, but nobody’s going to care. Yeah. And I think pastors need to develop a boldness to speak up. And then finally, I think so, you know, just and then really when it comes down to bringing it back to the the family, whether you’re a family in Irvine, California, whether you’re a family and you know Wichita, Kansas, or, you know, Calgary, Canada. What kind of an example are you as as a father? Are you an example that your kids that you want your kids to follow? Are you the husband that your wife needs? And it all starts by getting on our knees. I have messed up badly in my life. Right. I’m not the perfect dad. I’m not the perfect husband. You know, and I know we’ve all we all have fallen short. Yeah. But God’s grace is there for us. And if you don’t know Jesus, you know he wants to get to know you. Yeah. He he even though we have taken the gospel to the rest of the world, it’s funny now how people in America are finding Jesus through through other people from different nationalities.

People are coming here, too, and they’re coming as

Americans and they’re coming here to evangelize us. Yeah. So, you know, God has a plan for you. And that’s the exciting thing. When when you get a glimpse of what it is and you start to have purpose and meaning in your life outside of what you do to put food on the table, that’s when you know you will be able to live a life full of joy and then you’ll have the courage to go after things that are truly meaningful, purposeful and worthwhile.

And I just want to encourage you moms listening that what you’re doing with your kids is the most important thing, and it’s their seasons. And right now, if you have young kids at home, it might be a season where that is your main focus in your way to contribute is to pray. Yeah. And there’s different seasons to do different things. And so but just be encouraged that raising up your kids to love God, glorify God with their lives and be part of the solution for more people. Knowing him is is a big deal.

I have to tell you this, I would love to me, I think the moms in America are one of the most powerful forces on the planet. Yes. A lot of the moms who have actually many of been in the workforce have chosen to stay home and invest in their children. Yeah, man, I’m just telling you what a mom can do in two hours will take a dad 10.

Seriously. They’re so productive. It’s awesome. All right. Thanks for joining us and thanks for being here, Andrew. This was a delight. This was really good. Yeah, I enjoyed it.

Thank you very much. Yes.

Hey, thanks for listening to this episode. For more resources, go to courageous parenting and courageous mom dot com for free online workshops, blog posts and bestselling courses. Also, we wanted to quickly tell you about our six week online parenting mentor program. Isaac and I created a powerful biblical curriculum. Here’s how it works. Each week we release a video with a downloadable parenting packet to make it easy for you to incorporate those teachings directly into your parenting.

This is an incredible self-paced program where we cover everything from obedience training to overcoming mistakes. Most Christians are making. But more than that, it’s a supportive community. You’ll have access to our private online group, live webcasts and the courageous parenting text message line Ranji. And I can send you weekly encouragement straight to your phone

If you’re interested in joining our next online parenting mentor program. Secure your spot now at courageous parenting dot com. That’s CourageousParenting.com

8 Things You Should Add to Your Kids Education

Don’t let this overwhelm you! These eight things can be woven into the fabric of your parenting.

The Eight Things Are:

  1. Instill a Biblical Worldview
  2. Teach Accurate Government and History
  3. Help Them Learn Entrepreneurship
  4. Teach Some Economics
  5. Help Them Understand How to Take Care of Their Own Health Naturally
  6. Cultivate Confidence In Their Ability to Communicate
  7. Social Awareness
  8. Teach Survival Skills

Make sure you have good marriage conversations as you implement these eight things into your education system!

The Homeschooling Blueprint

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Check out Angie’s Postpartum Course!

Scripture In This Episode:

Colossians 2:8 – “Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ.”

Romans 15:4 – “For whatever things were written before were written for our learning, that we through the patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope.”

Proverbs 13:11 –Wealth gained by dishonesty will be diminished, But he who gathers by labor will increase.”

Proverbs 16:8 –Better is a little with righteousness, Than vast revenues without justice.”



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Thank you for being part of this movement to equip 1 million families and their legacies with Biblical truth to raise confident Christian kids in an uncertain world.

Full Transcript:

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Welcome to Courageous Parenting Podcast, a weekly show to equip parents with biblical truth on raising confident Christian kids in an uncertain world.

Hi, I’m Angie from Courageous Mom, and I’m Isaac from Resolute Man.

We’ve been married for 21 years and have seen the fruit from raising our kids biblically based on the raw truth found in the Bible.

We can no longer let the culture win the hearts of children. Too many children from Christian families are walking away from their faith. By age 18. And it doesn’t have to be this way. It shouldn’t be this way. Join us as we start an important conversation about effective parenting in a fallen world. Hi, everyone, welcome back to the podcast, I’ve got Angie back. Hey, guys. So good to have you here.

It’s great to be back.

Don’t you just shouldn’t leave, you know?

No, I had a great time at an oils retreat. I know. I it was one of those things that I wasn’t sure if I was going to be able to make it because me a new baby. Yeah, of course. Our son is now engaged also if you fallow us on Instagram. But I was like,

No, you need to go. You should go.

Yep. So I took Megan with me, who’s also on my oils team. And so it was like she babysat Zander and helped me with him, but also was able to be there for some of the the talks and just team bonding, which is cool because she’s part of that team, too. Mm hmm. It was great to see one of my leaders was also able to come from Florida. That was cool. Well, I’m

Glad you got to relax and have a good time. So that’s that’s great. Well, today we’re talking about eight things to make sure are a part of your kid’s education. So this is regardless of your method of education, these are eight things to make sure of because we’re living in uncertain times. So the traditional agenda for education must be tweaked.

Yeah. I mean, there’s the reality is, even in the traditional education years ago, there have been we’ve always tweaked it. Well, there have been things that have been missed. Right. And so, like I even remember back to when I was in elementary school, I remember in junior high there was a home economics class, for example. Right. But then that shortly got cut from the junior high curriculum. And so and even within that class, like, to be honest, I everything that was torn there pretty much had already learned from my great grandma.

Yeah. I don’t know how fruitful that class is. Right.

But but they used to have like woodshop and some schools do still have that kind of stuff. But anyway, what we’re going to be talking about today is the things that are not really things that most kids are learning that still should be part of your kid’s education, especially in light of what we’re walking through today.

Yeah. So regardless of how you educate, whether you public school, private school, homeschool or like us, we we homeschool, but I like calling it curated education.

Isaac just likes to be a rebel. Let’s just be honest.

Well, where the kids go to school. Oh, we we we curate their education based on the strengths.

Go to leaving a legacy academy.

Yeah. You know me and I just say we homeschool. But but in my mind, that’s what’s going on in my mind is really, you know, we’re not the only ones educating our kids. We have classical conversations sometimes with tutors. We have mentors. You know, we’re doing it.

Yeah, we’ve done different things. We’re not doing classical conversations now and we’re using other curriculum.

We have guitar lessons. Great guitar teacher. krave maga as well!

So there there’s all kinds of things that we’re going to be working on in the in this next coming year, which is exciting.

So what’s cool is when you’re the principles of your school and you get to decide how your kids are educated, even if you’re sending him to school, because when you send them schools, that all that happens. No, you need to be educating them.

Do right. Well, and part of it that’s important, I always tell parents that even if you are sending your kids somewhere to be educated, the reality is that you need to be aware of what it is they are learning so that you can have conversations with them. The conversation of how a school today fine is actually not good enough. It’s not good enough. We need to ask, as Isaac always says, three questions deep. Sometimes it might take five questions. Sometimes it might take three relationship building, because if your kids are not opening up to you and they’re just like fine, and then they’re not talking to you or they’re not answering your questions, they’re not able to teach anything back then. That’s kind of scary, right? If they’re not able to regurgitate or remember what they learned that day, then, well, we have an ineffective learning process happening.

Well, so so a couple of things before we dive in. First thing is a lot of changes happening potentially in your family that could create worry within your kids. What’s going to happen this fall with Covid restrictions? What’s going to happen? You know, we’re homeschooling for the first time or we’re homeschooling for the ninth time. And, you know, what’s this new year going to be about? And maybe there’s some new things involved with it and so forth. And I would just use this opportunity to use scripture to remind ourselves and our kids not to worry and to trust God and to spend some time developing and further developing the plan. The plan is kind of ongoing, isn’t it, sometimes?

Yeah. I mean, I think a Philippians four where it says do not be anxious for anything, but with prsyer and supplication, bring your requests before the Lord. But sometimes you need to take action to solve that because it’s without knowing what’s happening. You know, kids need to know they thrive in structure and knowing what’s ahead of them, so there is an element of that which is important.

There is I mean, as we’re thinking about that particular scripture, that wasn’t one that we were going to be teaching on greatly here, because this is we’re still just, you know, in chit chatting with you before we dive into our main topic. But I think that it’s important to recognize that anxiety or being anxious. So God is actually commanding this. Do not be anxious for anything. Right, because it’s we don’t have a reason to be. And when we’re trusting the Lord. But there is actually it’s kind of like fear. I’ve said this about fear before as well. Right. Because God doesn’t want us to fear anything but him. Right. And that’s a different kind of fear. I think it’s important that we acknowledge the why behind. Why are we anxious? Why are we stressed? Why are we having fear? Is it because we haven’t done our part? So I often times, you know, having that perspective of God gives us responsibility. There’s man’s responsibility. But then there’s also the Lord right in many avenues of our life. And, you know, God will take care of us. But if we don’t also steward our bodies well, and we’re we’re we’re taking action, but the action is actually in action. Like if we don’t exercise or we or we take action, but the action is buying bad food and then we become obese. There’s a sowing and reaping principle that’s applied there. And that might lead us to go, oh, I’m struggling with body image or, oh, I’m struggling with health issues. And this is actually repercussion of something I did do. And so we need to look at the why behind our fear, the anxiety and things like that, and ask ourselves, is there anything that God is asking us to change right now? But then also, don’t worry about things that we can’t change.

Absolutely. And why we’re doing this topic is because we’re getting we always get so many questions about education and what do we need to be teaching our kids right now? The world is so uncertain. It’s tragic. Some of the things happening, whether it’s Afghanistan or, you know, all around the world, the lockdowns in Australia, I think are tragic in the way the police state that’s happening there and just all kinds of things is stuff in China anyways. You can just go on, on and on. But we are to have joy in all circumstances. Right. That’s what they were called to do. So the Bible says so we got to exemplify that. So we thought we would talk about these eight things briefly. We’re going to give you a list today so that you yourself can think about them, so you cannot at yourself and go, well, do we talk about this, do teach this, and, you know, or is this something in the future because our kids are really young on a couple of these topics, or, you know, you can have this marriage conversation will end with some some tips about marriage. But super, super important right now, though, that we’re thinking proactively and with a clean slate in a way not based on how we were educated, but really looking at where is the world out today? When will my kids be launching? When will they be 18 or whatever age you think they’re launching from your home? And what year will be that? And how much change is going to happen to me now and then? And what are they going to need to know to provide to be good citizens and take care of their families and potentially protect their families?

Now, some people might be thinking, oh, by Isaac, I just I’m pregnant right now and I don’t know what the world’s going to be like in twenty thirty-nine or 2040. Right. Which is, you know, obviously there’s an element of uncertainty. That’s why courageous parenting is tagline is raising or equipping confident Christian kids for an uncertain world. Right. And the reality is, though, like you can start as simple as this. Like for us, we just had a baby. You guys know, Zander is now 11 weeks old. He’s doing great, by the way. So thank you for your prayers. So we’re almost at that three month stage. But three months ago, when we were picking his name, we were looking at meanings of name, as we do with every single one of our kids. But one of the questions that we asked that we hadn’t asked before was what year is he potentially going to be launching from our home and what is the world going to need? In that year from a man, right, and so his name means defender of mankind, brave protector. So thats what Zander means. And so for us, that kind of was like the clenching. Yes, this is what we’re going to name him. So you can go from that level. You can just starting there with the purposefulness in your parenting and going, OK, this is what he’s going to be launching into, to making the decisions. Whether your kids are little with what influences are in their life, are their peers being parented in a biblical way or there or are their peers not being parented at all, actually? And that’s impacting my kids’ attitude and potential disrespect or respect towards me. Right. And then you go into education stuff, which is what?

And when you think of education. Think about this. Knowledge by itself is almost useless. You’ve heard me say that before. Well, knowledge implemented is helpful. So what we really want to do is equip our kids right versus just stuff their heads full of knowledge. So just a balance of that is really important. Now, there’s certain things that not just knowledge is important, a certain grade levels and so forth, because they get to use it later in life. I get that. But we want to really equip them. So think about what is going to equip now. Let’s handle overwhelm real quick, because you could be trying to figure things out and getting more overwhelmed as you listen, because you’re, you know, like Isaac and Angie, you’re going to add eight more things to my list, to, you know, make sure I educate my kids. I don’t know what the first three things are or I don’t I’m not sure if the five things I’ve already picked are right. And these kinds of things. And that is, by the way, you can look forward to your answer on that. But we also created the homeschool blueprint course for a reason. No matter how experienced you are in educating your kids, that thing is essential because it gives a 45 page workbook and all these things. You can go to courageousparenting.com And hit the menu for that.

Yeah, either that or it’s courageousparenting.com forward slash homeschooling hyphen blueprint. That’s the that’s direct. I have that that URL memorized. Look at that. Isaacs like, wow. So yeah, I mean, the homeschool blueprint I go into more of like the curriculum, like the foundational things that you should be teaching your kids. I even share about curriculums that are good and not good. What do you Think about the overwhelm though?

Well, that’s the point, though, is that when you’re going through curriculums and trying to determine what you’re going to be teaching your kids, that alone is overwhelming. Mm hmm. Right. Then there’s you add in all the things that’s happening in society today. Maybe you have your kids in a private school or a public school and you’re going, OK, but I need to find a Bible curriculum or I need to teach my kids survival skills. That’s one of the things that’s on our list. Right? What kinds of classes or curriculum can you do either outside the home or inside the home? Now, all of that can become overwhelming very easily because parents are going, I don’t have time for this. I’m just trying to manage my home. I know that there are times just with cooking meals or or managing who’s cooking meals for our family of 10 because Zander doesn’t eat. But, you know, just that can be overwhelming in and of itself. And so the one word that I have for you is prioritize. Prioritize the second word I have for you is communicate, which is why we’re going to talk about marriage communication, marriage conversations at the end of this podcast regarding this topic, because you guys have to do this as a team. Mom’s going to have different intel that dad’s going to have as far as what are the skill sets that God has given each of your kids, because that’s part of this conversation. Then there’s also insights that maybe he has about things that he wishes he would have been prepared for as a man. You’re going to have those as a woman. You’re going to come together, collaborate and communicate about what are the most essential top two things that every kid, regardless of gender, they need to know. What’s the things that we for sure are daughters and, you know, what are the things that for sure our sons need to know. Right. And and then you come up with your unique to your family skill set list that you’re like, OK, we can work on this thing like fishing. Yeah, right. You know, you come up.

So what’s really encouraging when you hear these is all of them can be woven into the fabric of your everyday life versus a classroom setting. That’s what’s beautiful. They can be you can just intentionally make this part of your free time, too. And things you’re doing, you can intentionally just during dinner, talk about some of these things on a regular basis and have it start to be woven into part of their education. So I don’t want you to get overwhelmed and thinking we’re adding eight things to the curriculum every day or anything like that. These are eight things to be considering and going, I need to instill these in as I’m living out life with my kids in conjunction with other education topics.

Yeah. No, that’s a really good point. So summing up what Isaac just said, we’re not going to say, hey, go buy four hours worth of curriculum that you’re going to add to their already busy day of doing schoolwork. That’s not what this is. So.

So, hey, thanks for being part of the one million legacy’s movement. We are so appreciative. Every time you share every time we write a comment, it’s really encouraging. And when you tell us topics to talk about, we usually do it. So we do our best to do that when we hear topics that we feel the most people would need. And so you’re we’re doing this together. One million families and their legacies makes a big difference. By the way on iTunes it’s so cool seeing courageous parenting rated in the top 200. That happens because you’re sharing it. That happens because you give us a five star review that’s the written reviews. That happens because people are listening to old episodes. Pretty convinced.

So pretty I mean, hardcore, you guys like we have some episodes on how to overcome anger in your parenting. We have one on why your kids won’t respect you. Yeah. Why your kids disobey you like those are three of our top favorite

Is for God’s glory and not our glory. It’s something we’re doing. The other bit more people find the episode when it’s listed in there and your help is great. So we appreciate that. Let’s go through the list. We’re going to talk briefly. We have some scriptures for you on each of these, and we’ll go one by one so you can be anticipating what the next one might be. Ok, because that’s fun. Yeah. The first one is a biblical worldview. Some of you like I’m doing that and some of you like, oh, I need to shore that up a little bit. What is biblical world view mean? Well, you could take any topic and you can have a worldly viewpoint on it or you can have a biblical viewpoint on it. Mm hmm. Right.

It’s your perspective. It’s the lens that you’re looking at it through.

So superimportant. Things like gender. What are you training your kids to have a view on that? Right. Is it a biblical view or is it a worldview or marriage or, you know, family

Or equal roles? Right. Or even like you may as an adult, like last. I’m just thinking the last election, there were certain things that were on the ballot. We at the time voted in Oregon, even though we had just moved to Idaho because there wasn’t enough time. But we drove back to Oregon because it was that important to us to cast their vote. And on that ballot, they were trying to legalize all kinds of crazy drugs. Right. So looking at that through a biblical worldview, talking to your kids about that, depending on what age they are. Right. And preparing them so that they don’t just get caught up in that agenda, that potentially being taught to them, maybe not even through schools like I’m talking about media here, like social media. If you have teenagers, if you have young kids that are access to this or they hear grandma and grandpa, the neighbors talking about it.

So why do kids get led astray? Because they hear from peers down the road, maybe kids younger right now, but they’re going to hear from their peers at some point about arguing against that. The Bible stands for certain things. They’re going to try and shoot holes in the Bible, frankly, about certain issues. So the enemy gets in people’s heads about a certain issue and it weakens their belief about the Bible. And over time, their belief in the entire Bible continues to decrease.

And that’s how you lead little ones astray. The Bible’s very clear about it would be better for a man to have so millstone.

So you want to be proactive and making sure they have a biblical view about all kinds of topics. Just look at anything in the news, anything that people are talking about, what’s happening in the world. Different issues. Those are things they’re going to be confronted with. And they don’t have a biblical view. If they don’t know what the Bible says about it and have a conviction in that they will develop a conviction in the worldly version. So that’s really

Important. I think that another thing that comes to mind when it comes to biblical worldview, I think of even just topics that you’re going to have conversations with your five year old about. Right. Like putting your things away. Right. So if your kids get out toys and they have a hard time putting them away, the world might say, hey, let kids be kids. You just clean it up. Mm hmm. Right. How many parents have done that where they’re like, oh, they’re playing with something right now? They moved on to the next toy. I’ll just clean it up for them. But what is a biblical worldview of work ethic and stewarding our things properly? Right. And sowing and reaping what are we sowing into our kids right now? Do we even talk to our kids about natural consequences, about the spiritual of sowing and reaping?

And here’s the scripture on it. Questions to beware, lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ. I like him when he talks about principles of the world, basic, like compared to of Christ.

Right. And this is Colossians chapter two, verse eight, if you guys want that.

So awesome. I want to take a moment and give you something for free if you haven’t got it already is the date night one sheet. It is a beautiful document you can download that will has some key questions on it for your date. And I did just get in alignment about what’s most important for your family, no matter what time of year. It’s always important to recalibrate. You can get that by going to CourageousParenting.com And subscribing to our mailing list. Also, you can get all of our show notes and everything, at CourageousParenting.com. And I also just want to share real quick about the parenting mentor program. So many families are being transformed by going through this. It’s the six week self-paced program with live engagement from us and even direct interaction. So if you want to join us, here’s a little bit more about it. You can find out more at courageous parenting dot com.

Steven, I realized that we were getting too comfortable with the world’s vision of how to raise our children. But Angie and Isaac have done in creating this is literally phenomenal. This program

Provided awesome

Scripture based teachings and just some really great practical applications.

This class has just really rocked my world. It has given me a vision for not just the different things that we might focus on as parents who are trying to raise our kids vertically, like how our kids are behaving or what we’re doing with discipline, but also the things that part we now have a game plan to how we want to raise our children. We have so many answers to the questions that have been in our mind. It’s not just these hypothetical situations or it’s not just this. Here’s what I think you should do. It’s let me show you where in scripture this is. Do your legacy a favor and yourself a favor and just do it. One of the best things that we’ve done this year, one of the best investments we’ve made this year, and I could not recommend it more. We’re no longer fearing dark days

Ahead, but we’re so excited to raise lights to be leaders for the next generation. So the next one is government and accurate history.

So I would even say accurate government in history, because there is like an intentional pursuit to teach falsity when it comes to history and government. So when we say governments, you may be listening from Australia, you may be listening from Canada, or maybe you’re in America. Doesn’t really matter where you’re listening to. I think that the aspect that Isaac and I have tried to teach our kids is we want them to be aware of and knowledgeable about the differences and governments around the world and the consequences that those different types of governing authorities have upon the people that live in those countries. This is a huge point of purposefulness that parents need to be proactive about, because the reality is, is if we literally knew the history of how different countries were ran, let’s just take communism. For example, if we were teaching the the millennial generation and Generation Z. Right. If they had actually been taught the real truth about what communism has done in countries like China, in other countries, then maybe there would be less of a push to have communism today. Right. But instead, what do you see? You see more of an acceptance of it today. Then you’ve ever seen before. And I think that a large part of that is ignoring the true testimonies and stories of the people who’ve grown up in countries where that was taking place in those governments. Yeah. So it’s not just your country’s government in this point. This is like, are you teaching your kids? Are do they know what has happened in the past? Do they know what happened with Hitler and the Nazis in Germany? Do they know what has happened in Austria? Do they know what has happened in all around the world? What about biblical times? Do they know about Nero and how he was persecuting Christians? The reality is, is that most of us, even adults, don’t necessarily know. And so this is an opportunity for you to redeem your education alongside your kids, to read a book together.

Right. Yeah. So just make sure you’re getting books that are giving accurate history. How do you do that? You’re going to have to do research. We can’t, in a quick podcast go into all that right now. But you have to do research and you have to vet it out and make sure the resources you’re using or that your kids are using if they’re in school somewhere, are accurate. I would not. You just trust whatever school you’re sending in or whether it has Christian in the name or not. I would not trust it at all, meaning I would vet everything they’re giving to them and make sure that it’s accurate.

So one of the points that we’ve talked about this I think it was probably a year ago almost because it was during the election time, you guys need to look up wall builders and David Barton, he is a historian, a U.S. historian, especially if you’re in the U.S., you for sure need to look him up. But if you’re international, I think there’s just ways to to learn about it. But he even was pleading with parents this year, as were we, because the 20, 21 year fiscal year is the year that school districts started revising curriculums and potentially taking out things such as the Civil War, the American Revolution, World War One and World War Two, the Holocaust. Why would they want those removed from curriculums in public school settings in a like all over the country? This was in different states. You can look at the revised curriculum. And so if you haven’t done that, if you’re listening because you’re a parent and you don’t know what’s being taught in your state, you’ve got to find out what’s being taught. You’ve got to find out what revisions were being made this year that are going to potentially impact 2020 to you. You need to know what have they eliminated. And then either you make a stink and you actually aggressively go after that and try to get it put back in and or you need to find good curriculum that you can supplement with so that your kids, you

Know, at home. And if you’re homeschooling, it’s much simpler. Just pick the books that you believe in. Ok, so Romans 15:4 for whatever things were written before, were written for our learning that we threw the patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope. Now, I don’t want to extrapolate the scripture out of context, because talking about scripture here, OK, but I still think we can learn from that. Right. What for whatever things were written before or written for our learning, if what we’re reading from before isn’t accurate, then we’re learning what’s not accurate. It’s so important that when we read from the past is accurate, because otherwise you can’t learn from the mistakes. You can’t learn from those things. And it’s incredibly important that we do so we don’t repeat history. Why are the problems in the world? If you look at the cycles, because people keep repeating the same mistakes, they’re trying to repeat the same mistake again with socialism. So, oh, no, we can do it better this time scale. Are you kidding me? How arrogant are you? That goes against how God made human beings in the first place. Ok, so point three is entrepreneurship or the third thing?

Right. So this is the third point so far. We cover a biblical worldview. Accurate government, accurate history.

And entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship so important now doesn’t mean for sure they’re going to be an entrepreneur. Although you’ve probably heard me say I do believe all our kids should be entrepreneurs at this point. I used to not believe that, even though I’m pro entrepreneurship.

But tell them why. Yeah. The main reason.

Well, it’s absolutely because it’s really difficult these days to be controlled by a company, because companies are increasingly being controlled by the government, and increasingly governments are doing tyrannical things around the world. And so that trickles down into the employers and whether they want to or not. Then pretty soon you have to get vaccinated or you lose your job, or every week you have to do a test, a swab test. And that DNA is getting tracked him database and all that stuff. Right. Who knows what it’s going to be used for. So it’s really important, I think, that our kids are at least learning when they’re young how to make something, sell something, how to create value and see people enjoy that value and trade money for that experience. Is pivotal, and there’s lots ways to do that, we’ve given other podcast episodes about that, but I think that’s really, really important these days.

It’s important. So with entrepreneurship, something that comes to my mind is that you’re teaching your kids skills that solve problems in today’s world. Right. But you also want to, like, look at how your kids are wired. Look, look at their fifteens. What do they love? What are they passionate about? Is there something in those questions that you could potentially cultivate in them, grow in them, encouraging them over the years so that when they are older, it’s an exciting thing that they’re moving into versus like a drudgery. Another thing that is really important, something that we’ve been noticing lately, is the different skill sets within different kids in your family or even not just in your family, but like or immediate family. But think extended family, maybe your kids have cousins. Right. And maybe one of them is like a true capitalist at heart. And the other is really good at skills. And they work good together as a team. But this one’s just he’s got such a generous heart that he’s never going to charge anybody for anything ever. Now, there’s but this one over here that’s trainable is right. But this one over here is really good at counting numbers and fairness and justice. Working together might be an awesome thing that makes a business actually thrive where it’s one without the other would not.

And you can take your kids through the exercises I did in the last episode, which colleagues exercise skills, exercise if they’re older rice. Or you can wait and do that when they’re older. In Proverbs 12 11, it says he who tills his land will be satisfied with bread, but he who follows frivolity is devoid of understanding. So I like that. Tilse is farming entrepreneurship? Absolutely. It’s working with resources to create something that other people need or value

Or something that your family needs and values. Right. That you’re providing for your family and so that you don’t necessarily have to go buy food because you’re growing it yourself, right? Yeah. So that in my mind, that’s entrepreneurship, because you’re not spending money on something like you’re paying yourself.

Yeah, absolutely. So for home economics.

So the fourth one was one that like Isaac and I went back and forth on the naming it because there are many things that could go underneath this category. Right. So with home economics, some some of it could even get mixed in with entrepreneurship as well. But like the skills of how to cook from scratch, the skills of how to mend something like a pillow busts open, can they can your kids so it back together, reusing things. We recently took our son to a reuseum. Right. And so there was an element of like repurposing things for a different purpose when they when something breaks. Right. Using a motor out of an old car to get a lawnmower going or something like that. And so there’s there’s all kinds of things that you can do with your kids on a small scale to teach them. But this is something that’s often overlooked because parents again, there’s this message out there that’s like, oh, let kids be kids. So I’m going to do their laundry. I’m going to cook all their food. And then what happens when they’re older? They don’t know how to do laundry. They don’t know how clean the house and they don’t know how to cook. That was totally me when I grew up. I didn’t know the first thing about homemaking. Right. And so teaching your kids home economics, this is a huge deal. Like we’ve known families where they get married and they’re older and they’re eating out all the time because they don’t know how to cook. They’re not a grocery shop. Right.

How to do 70 to go grocery shopping. How to how to make less and a man’s how to manage money. You could say that good options can also go into that. So financial is definitely a big thing. Financial can fit into many of these, like entrepreneurship, home economics. Financial is definitely important. But it’s right here like budgets. Mom using a budget and kids seeing that and going, well, that doesn’t fit into the budget.

Even like coupons and finding sales like that is a skill to be able to thrift and to be able to get stuff at a cheaper price like that goes under home economics. Right. And so I just. And again, this is maybe something where you’re literally driving to garage sales in the summer with a kiddo, because it’s a fun thing to do. And you’re talking to them about the importance of stewarding your money and not having to spend full price for something and teaching them how much money you saved when you actually got like, I don’t know, a pie plate for two dollars when they normally sell for 20 dollars. Brand new. And it’s the exact same thing. So, you know, giving your kids perspective and teaching them these different skills are really just call them skills because they’re not taught today. They can literally prepare them for a much easier transition into adulthood later.

This is cool scripture. I just stumbled upon it. Proverbs 27 23. Be diligent to know the state of. Phlox and attend to your herds for riches are not forever, nor does a crown endure to all generations. When the hay is removed in the tender grass shows itself in the herbs of the mountains are gathered in the lambs, will provide your clothing and the goats the price of a field. You shall have enough goat’s milk for your food, for the food of your household, and the nourishment of your maid servants, maids, servants.

Interesting. Well, and it’s similar to that. In Proverbs 28, you write, what verses was that?

That’s 27, 23 through 27.

Awesome. And I mean, again, I just as you’re reading, I was thinking in Proverbs 30 or Proverbs 31, woman is she laughs at the days to come. Why does she laugh in the days to come? If you go through the entire verse chapter, you’ll realize that she’s like preparing. She’s being active. She’s doing things that are going to be wise for her household in the future so she can laugh at the days to come. Why? Because she already made their garments. She’s already planted a vineyard and now it’s dormant season and they’ve already harvested. And so but the woman who fears the Lord, it all comes back again to glorifying God. She fears the Lord. She knows he’s going to take care of her because she’s doing what he has called her to do to be prepared. And it’s the same thing for men as well. Right. Like when they are preparing their minds. Like I remember there was that year, Isaac, a few years where you one year you have made a goal and you were reading 50 books in one year and somebody asked you why you’re doing this. Oh, yes, 30 books. And so someone asked you, well, why are you reading these?

While I was preparing because God prompted me that I’m going to be doing something different in the future and I need to be preparing, but God will not tell me what it was going to be.

That’s right. So you were preparing by reading books that he had kind of led you to that he put on your heart?

I made the list ahead of time, and I read the three books and journal them from during the year.

Right. But so this is the thing, though. You had a vision that God was wanting you to prepare, but you didn’t know what for. Yeah, but you still trusted him and you did the work. And then later it was obvious even now, because you still even quote some of the books, like the ones oftentimes the tyranny of the And. Yeah. So there are many times where he’s teaching these things to our kids, to you guys, to the podcasts in our parenting mentor program. Just even in business, you still do business work outside the home. Yeah.

And another little point to this is that the Just-In-Time method is no longer working, meaning chains, supply chains are broken. All these things where you used to be able to go grocery shopping and get things, that’s not always going to be the case. There’s a challenge in getting things shipped to you, I’m sure you’ve noticed. So where we grew up used to that. And your kids were all used to it. Oh, just buying an Amazon of the year tomorrow. That might not be accurate in the future. And so we just need to realize that the comforts and the ease at which we live might not always be true. Let’s move on. Number five is health. This is pretty simple for what we’re going to talk about right now. But your kids need to be highly educated in experientially used to taking care of themselves.

Right. And part of that is how you react when they start getting sick or what are you doing preventative? Like, do your kids know to take vitamins every day if they don’t know how to take vitamins every day? I mean, this is depending on age, too. I just realized, like some of you have toddlers, you definitely don’t want them going in and getting their vitamins, OK, because they might go, oh, those little gummies, those are so yummy and eat a ton. But the reality is, you can teach your kids by having good habits on a daily basis. You’re modeling health. Right. But then as they get older, you start having them join you in helping with the other kids or you go, hey, can you go get this oil? Hey, can you go get that vitamin? Oh, you have a you bonked your head. Why don’t you go get the arnica and bring it to me? And then you teach them how many Ditech? You literally are equipping them. And so this there’s both the preventative health, but then also how do I deal with things

When they occur and how to work out and how to work out without a gym? I’m sure a lot of people have had to learn that if they didn’t already know. Right, because gyms were closed for a while and some places they still are. What are we reliant on that might not be there in the future? So do they know how to use their body weight to do workouts? Do they know how to use dumbbells? Simple things.

Well, and I also think, too, like there is a category of people that have become dependent upon doing a sport to be able to be fit where they don’t necessarily have like a rhythm of exercise and maybe even like even just getting up and moving your bones every day and stretching and and having some regular exercise as a habit. And so I know that for myself, I grew up playing sports. Maybe your kids are doing this to one of the things that was best for me when I was in high school was actually going to the gym and having a gym membership, because that taught me to take care of my body so I could do the sport. The sport was not necessarily just the exercise. And now with Covid. Sports have been canceled in the past, they may be canceled in the future. Do you have a habit of actually taking care of yourself on a daily basis, and are your kids able to do that or are they dependent upon sports only because it’s not a good habit?

I mean, we’re not fear mongers. We don’t believe in fearing things. But the likelihood of a worse or maybe a real pandemic, if I should say, in the future, is highly probable. And so, you know what might not be available? And are your kids training to be able to do all these things without a gym and all these things? Ok, so superimportant. Now, these last three, by the way, are my favorite, some of my favorite. So let’s go into them.


Ok, confident communicator’s number. That is so important. And that doesn’t just happen. And that is irrespective of personality. It doesn’t matter what the personality is. All personalities need to be confident communicators. I believe everybody should have some experience. You know, even doing some public speaking and that’s just in front of their family, even though not everybody’s wired to be able to do that. But confident communicators, lots of different forms, it’s able to share your opinion, confident looking people in the eye. This happens when they’re young age. If you heard one of the kids did something or said something good at dinner, you could say, hey, hey, Janice, why don’t you tell everybody about what you told me earlier about this? And then, you know, make sure you protect her space and everybody’s listening and everybody intently listens to her. So she expects people to listen to her. See, it’s a lot of times people don’t share things, especially young people and all ages, because they don’t expect people to hear them and to listen to them to. And people sense that negative expectancy. And so they don’t listen to them.

Well, then I would say even in large families, there’s just a little side note for those of you who have like more than two kids. The reality is, is sometimes the younger ones or just the person that might have the more reserved personality are less likely to talk. If there’s someone that’s domineering in the family or someone who is kind of an intention spotlight grabber, if you will. And so it’s important that you give space and you protect space like Isaac was just talking about when he said that, like protect the space so that they can feel heard, can be so important for the kids that are maybe less confident. But also it’s important for those that maybe are the younger ones in the family that get talked over or the one that has a more reserved personality that doesn’t always get their opinion heard. Right. And I think that, you know, valuing them teaches other kids how to draw in those type of people and conversations, too, because it can be helpful for them as well.

And what if at the end of the week they gave a little summary of what they learned for the week in their education and wouldn’t talk about, like remembering what you learn and and then teaching every teacher?

I mean, and then

They experience the experience of doing that in front of people in a safe environment of your home while they’re growing up. I mean, find creative ways to get them speaking confidently in front of other people and encourage them in that. All right. Seven Social Awareness.

I think that this is a huge one. This is one of the ones that I was like, this is a big deal today because more now than ever, kids are potentially going to struggle with being socially awkward, specifically because of this mask wearing that is happening everywhere. Yeah, I

Just I thought there used to be a thought. Sorry to interrupt, but it has to do with what you’re doing is used to be thought that public school was where you developed social skills and homeschooling would make you socially awkward. It’s actually not true. It can be true in either case. But now if you’re masking in schools, where’s the social awkwardness?

It’s not just masking. It’s that there’s social distancing like six feet apart. And in some cases, there’s even like glass barriers between people and stuff.

And so and then scaring people against unvaccinated. Well, and

It’s it’s happening everywhere. It’s not just in schools. Right? It’s at the grocery store. They have these big glass or plastic dividers between people. Literally. That’s what they are. They’re dividers. And so it creates an isolation. And when kids are growing up where they’re constantly in different isolation systems, then how in the world do they develop like the ability to shake a hand firmly? Like that’s the other thing. Like, are people going to be scared to shake hands because of the transfer of germs, only to where kids don’t know how to like, how firm they should shake a hand, that they should actually lead in with their dominant the right hand, because most people are right handed or like, you know what I mean? Like teaching kids those basic things that used to be so easy. So common among people when greeting one another. Hugging is not happening right in the same kind of way for a. Lot of people handshaking isn’t mask wearing is preventing, like people are not necessarily smiling, you can’t see the smile behind the mask. And then there’s a lack of eye contact that’s even happening. I know that in places that are more likely, we are just in Oregon on this oil’s retreat. And we went to Fred Meyers and everyone there was wearing a mask except us. Like I was like, I am not doing this. I’m not going to do this with my baby. I’m not doing this with my kid. We have nothing to fear. We walked in and Megan and I were like, we are going to be missionaries where we’re at. And sure enough, you guys. People were scared to talk to one another, but they were not scared to talk to us. And they were nice to us. And people were pulling down their mask to ask about our baby. And like, I just think people need to be reminded how to be kind and how to socialize. And it clearly the mask has created a divider that prevents that.

So you have to be proactive to teach your kids social awareness skills, to understand when they need to listen, when they need talk, when they’re talking too much, how to an eye contact all the things Angie was talking about. It’s more important than ever, regardless of the method of education choice, we all have to be more proactive than ever and into the future. This is what it is today. What’s going to be in two years.

And so there’s a you know, I just want to tag on this last aspect of social awareness that I think is just so critical that if you’re listening right now, there is an element of stranger danger that, you know, people used to teach. They even taught it in schools for a long time. And kids and like innately, even our two year old taking them to the grocery store. I’ve told the story a million times. He’s like a bad guy or bad guy. And I’m literally thinking to myself in that moment, do I say, no, he’s not a bad guy, so I don’t make that person feel bad? No, I’m not going to say that I ended up answering my two year old. I don’t know. I don’t know. Because you don’t know, actually. And there’s a safety. Our kids need to be taught who is safe, who is not safe, and they literally can’t when they can’t see a person’s face. So there’s a social awareness that our little ones need to learn for their safety. And we have to take them out to actually be around people, to be challenged, to grow in that if they’re not ever around people, that’s going to be a problem. So when we’re talking about social awareness, yes, there’s that like, hey, are you socially comfortable around people? Can you make eye contact? Can you carry a confident conversation and not be socially awkward? But then there’s also this element of like, who is safe, who is not safe? We need to teach the young children this that they’re aware of who’s around them. Right. So this is this is a really big conversation that we could have in the future, for sure.

And the final one is number eight, survival skills.

This was kind of fun.

It’s fun. And we just do quick. It’s do they know how to, you know, farm? Do they know how to fish? Do they know how to hunt? Do they know how to as the proper age and with the proper guidance, fire a weapon? Do they know how to use a knife for cooking, cooking or creating a stick to cook a hot dog or, you know, all these little do they know how to do mechanical things? Do they know how to repair do like repairs to more extensive things? Do they know how to work with wood

Or what about like first aid and CPR? Like that’s a huge thing to like. If you’re near water, do your kids know how to swim? Like that’s a survival skill. Yeah, but then there’s also elements of like cooking off the land. Right. That could be a fun thing to teach. But when I think of survivor skills, I also think of self-defense, especially as a woman, to you know, and it’s super important for guys to be able to protect themselves also, but to protect their families. Right. And so like for us, we have our kids doing Krav Maga right now. And part of that is their self-defense stuff. Like if someone grabs your neck, how do you get out of that using your body in turn?

And just because there might be a question about Krav Maga, why did you pick Krav Maga versus all the other things? Well, it’s because it’s practical. It’s it’s it’s not just competitive, competitive. They’re not going to tournaments and things like that, although that can be fun. We don’t want to go in lots of different directions. We just want our kids to learn how to protect themselves. And they are learning the fastest, most effective ways to deter people or to fight back if they need to.

Right. And I know that there’s probably stuff online as well that you could look into for self-defense as well. The point is, is like, are you proactively teaching your kids this stuff? Are you teaching them your phone number? That’s for the four year old. That’s an important thing for them. That’s something that I’m literally like thinking of the school year with my littles and going, they need to know our address. They need to know how to spell their last name. They need to know what our phone numbers are like. The emergency nine one one is something that I have to teach. And now, you know, so.

Yeah. And like I said at the beginning, all of these things can be taught within the normal method of your daily lives. Right. Doesn’t have to be a classroom setting. You can do some of it that way. But these things look for ways, prey for ways that God can reveal to you to weave these into your daily lives and so forth. And what I learned, a couple marriage tips. It’s so important that usually. One person is listening to this, and then they try and convey to the to their spouse. And that’s fine, but just make sure you have a marriage conversation about any big changes or any initiatives or anything like that. Otherwise, sometimes the other spouse just gets defensive because they weren’t part of the process. And so you should be part of the process together, the best you can be of discovering and deciding these things, because then you’re more supportive towards that thing.

The initiative here’s a good example. I mean, if if Isaac was just to like jump in and start doing something that was like home school type stuff, like let’s just say he was like, you know what, guys? We’re going to start reading this book and then we’re going to read this and then we’re going to read that. And let’s say it was history. And here I am, the homeschool mom, and I’ve already planned a homeschool curriculum. I might be going, well, should I just not do my history curriculum like we didn’t communicate about this and I might potentially feel like my toes are getting stepped on. That would be an antagonistic like. And he might just be thinking like, oh, I just really am passionate about wanting to teach my kids this thing. And if we haven’t communicated, then that could become offensive to me when it doesn’t need to be. It can be a conversation where it’s like, hey, what are you planning on doing for history this year? I was thinking about adding in something like this. What do you think? How could we do that

As a team? And husbands need to be supportive and back up their wives. If they’re the one driving something forward like health, it really needs it’s I can’t tell you how many times I have to sometimes back up. Angie, you know, now this is a big deal. Thank you, Angie, for taking care of us and teaching us what we should take and when we have this ailment or whatever, because in the moment it can to kids, it can feel like a nuisance. And you don’t want to let your kids treat it that way because it needs to mean equipping thing. Not only they’re getting helped, but they should be learning and receive that information. So we got to back each other up and we got to make decisions together and and be united front. And all those things are really important. So this can be overwhelming great things there. You got other things to think about, too, so don’t let it be overwhelming. Just decide it’s not going to be maybe right down the list and then talk about it as a married couple and go out. Let’s how can we just start adding him more biblical worldview? Why don’t you just start there? Because that seems like the most important one. And if you’re already doing that, then pick one other one to start and you could gradually implement these things.

Yeah. I mean, even if your kids are younger, I know we have so many younger listeners, as you can probably tell, because they keep going back. If your kids are younger, like even think of home economics and it starts out with them having a good attitude, I because I just know that people are going to come back with questions to as Isaac saying, hey, but what if our kids are having a really hard time having a good attitude about learning these things from us? Well, that’s because you didn’t start young enough, you know, to start young enough with giving the the little the three year old maybe like get a plastic knife from IKEA or a table knife where they can cut olives and be helping in the kitchen so that later on in life they want to help you with making dinner. It starts a making it a fun thing that they can accomplish. And then you’re affirming them saying good job and letting them help you, even if it does take a little extra time.

Thanks for joining us.

See you next time. Hey, thanks for listening to this episode. For more resources, go to CourageousParenting.com and CourageousMom.com For free online workshops, blog posts and best selling courses. Also, we wanted to quickly tell you about our six week online parenting mentor program. Isaac and I created a powerful biblical curriculum. Here’s how it works. Each week we release a video with a downloadable parenting packet to make it easy for you to incorporate those teachings directly into your parenting.

This is an incredible self-paced program where we cover everything from obedience training to overcoming mistakes most Christians are making. But more than that, it’s a supportive community. You’ll have access to our private online group, Live Webcasts and the courageous parenting text message line where Angie and I can send you weekly encouragement straight to your phone.

If you’re interested in joining our next online parenting mentor program. Secure your spot now at CourageousParenting.com

How To Discover Your Best Ways To Provide

It’s vital to think clearly about how you provide for your family. How solvent is it during these uncertain times? It’s forced vaccinations now, but there will be more challenges coming. Isaac takes you through his process for discovering your own best work path that aligns with how God made you. In addition, he gives numerous examples to stimulate your thinking about what you could pursue. We should never have to sacrifice our convictions for our provision.

Here are some main points from this episode:

  • Know what your timeline is
  • Do the callings exercise
    • Pray
    • Build a list of things you feel called to do
      • Preach
      • Business owner
      • Impact large numbers of people
      • Build things with my hands
      • Public speaking
      • Leadership
      • Viticulture
      • Coaching
    • Process of elimination
      • Count up how many are on the list
      • Least to most one at a time
  • Do the same exercise for your skills
  • Think through what matters for your family
  • Consider the financial strength and weaknesses of ideas
  • Examine and pray about what might be at the intersection of your top 5 callings, top 5 Skills, family Goals, and what has financial promise.

Scriptures In This Episode:

Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.”

Romans 8:28 “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.”

Ephesians 4:1-3 “Therefore I, the prisoner of the Lord, implore you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling with which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, showing tolerance for one another in love, being diligent to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.”

1 Peter 4:10 “As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace:”

Psalm 37:4 “Delight yourself in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart.”



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Thank you for being part of this movement to equip 1 million families and their legacies with Biblical truth to raise confident Christian kids in an uncertain world.

Should Christians Resist Forced Vaccinations?

So many have messaged us asking for advice regarding the Covid Vaccinations. We’ve received so many stories of people facing losing their careers unless they get the jab. We’ve purposefully stayed away from this topic, but now feel compelled since people are being forced to vaccinate or else lose access to things or even lose their careers. Here’s our candid take on it.

In This Episode We Discuss:

  • We share our stance on Covid
  • How Romans 13:1-5 is misused by too many churches
  • Medical freedom is essential
  • There’s no scripture that directly addresses vaccinations
  • Biblical wisdom that should be considered
  • Resist letting people use “Love thy neighbor” to manipulate you
  • What loving your neighbor really looks like
  • Addressing forced Covid and potentially losing your job
  • Wisdom and discernment is vital

Scriptures In This Episode:

Ephesians 5:7 “Therefore do not become partners with them;for at one time you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light (for the fruit of light is found in all that is good and right and true), and try to discern what is pleasing to the Lord.”

Romans 13:1-5 “Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. Therefore whoever resists the authorities resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment. For rulers are not a terror to good conduct, but to bad. Would you have no fear of the one who is in authority? Then do what is good, and you will receive his approval, for he is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword in vain. For he is the servant of God, an avenger who carries out God’s wrath on the wrongdoer. Therefore one must be in subjection, not only to avoid God’s wrath but also for the sake of conscience.”

1 Corinthians 6:19-20 “Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.”

Romans 12:1-2 “I appeal to you therefore, brothers,by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”

Matthew 22:36-40 “Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?”And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets.”

Psalm 118:8 “It is better to take refuge in the Lord
than to trust in man.”



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  • DONATE, to become a bigger part of shifting the culture of future generations through impacting 1 million families and their legacies. We are in full-time ministry as a family of 10, everything makes a difference.

Thank you for being part of this movement to equip 1 million families and their legacies with Biblical truth to raise confident Christian kids in an uncertain world.

Help Your Kid’s Embrace Not Being Normal

There’s enormous pressure on your kids to be worldly. It will seep in regardless of your protective measures. In fact it’s better for them to deal with some of it while they are in your home so you can equip them while experiencing it. We give four tips to help your kids stand strong and reject the anti-biblical messages such as: pro-choice, gender, marriage, sex… Tune in to get insights to help your kids keep a biblical view regardless of the pressure they face.


In This Episode We Discuss:

  • Respect the challenge of the pressure
  • Give Biblical viewpoints often
  • Pay attention to what they identify with
  • Equip them to handle persecution


Scriptures In This Episode:

Isaiah 5:20 “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!”

1 John 4:3“and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you heard was coming and now is in the world already.”

2 Corinthians 5:17 “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.”

2 Timothy 3:12 “Indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.”

Matthew 5:10 “Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”



What’s Happening In The World & How To Be Ready

We aren’t to fear the world or be worried about tomorrow, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t take logical steps to be prepared for greater uncertain times. If you couldn’t buy anything for three months, how would your family do? We believe it’s prudent to have things in place so you don’t get forced into reliance on the government for your basic needs.


In This Episode We Discuss:

  • A practical list of how to prepare: Food, supplies, medicine, community…
  • What we see happening in the world and the USA
  • There’s a coordinated effort to make America worse again
  • The Global reset is real and needs the USA to become irrelevant 
  • It appears the goal is to destroy the US economy so at some point there will be greater economic challenges.
  • There’s an effort to turn people against each other with race, politics, and vaccinated against unvaccinated.


Scriptures In This Episode:

Matthew 6:25-32 “Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life? And why are you anxious about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin, yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.”

Psalm 111:10 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom;all those who practice it have a good understanding. His praise endures forever!”

Ephesians 6:12 “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.”

2 Timothy 3:1-5But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people.”




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  • DONATE, to become a bigger part of shifting the culture of future generations through impacting 1 million families and their legacies. We are in full-time ministry as a family of 10, everything makes a difference.

Thank you for being part of this movement to equip 1 million families and their legacies with Biblical truth to raise confident Christian kids in an uncertain world.

4 Proactive Decisions Parents Should Make Right Now

There are greater costs today for your family if you are a reactive decision-maker. Here are four proactive decisions to make right now that you will likely be thankful you made just six months from now. We must prepare today for what the future will require for our families to thrive.

In This Episode We Discuss:

  • It’s really common to be swayed by circumstances and make decisions once challenges arise.
  • We must become strong proactive decision-makers. Making choices ahead of time that will help our families thrive way down the road.
  • Make sure you have enough health supplies that you will need in case you can’t access them from the store.
  • Prepare your family spiritually for how to respond to challenge and persecution.
  • Make sure you have all the educational resources you need in case accessibility becomes more difficult
  • Make sure you grow a strong community within your neighborhood as well as your church family.

Scriptures In This Episode:

Philippians 4:6-7 “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

Hebrews 10:24-25 “And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.”
Romans 12:2 “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”



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  • DONATE, to become a bigger part of shifting the culture of future generations through impacting 1 million families and their legacies. We are in full-time ministry as a family of 10, everything makes a difference.

Thank you for being part of this movement to equip 1 million families and their legacies with Biblical truth to raise confident Christian kids in an uncertain world.

A Hidden Parenting Problem That Will Affect Your Community

There is no perfect place to live until we are in heaven, but no community is safe from this growing challenge that could prevent your kids from launching with a Biblical worldview. This episode was prompted by a conversation Isaac’s young barber had with him this week. Tune in to be better prepared for the battle for your kids’ hearts.

In This Episode We Discuss:

  • Isaac shares an extra reason why we need to be diligent as parents from his conversation with his barber.
  • There’s a battle for the hearts of the next generation
  • Respect the challenge at hand
  • Teach your kids more than you think you need to about all things

Podcast episodes referenced:

  • Ep. 76 “Freedom of Speech & The Constitution”
  • Ep. 92 “Why We Are Strategically Relocating”
  • Ep. 105 “When Civil Disobedience is Biblical”

Scriptures In This Episode:

1 John 2:15-17Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world–the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride in possessions–is not from the Father but is from the world. And the world is passing away along with its desires, but whoever does the will of God abides forever.”

John 15:4 “Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me.”

James 5:19-20My brothers, if anyone among you wanders from the truth and someone brings him back, let him know that whoever brings back a sinner from his wandering will save his soul from death and will cover a multitude of sins.”

Luke 6:40A disciple is not above his teacher, but everyone when he is fully trained will be like his teacher.”



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  • DONATE, to become a bigger part of shifting the culture of future generations through impacting 1 million families and their legacies. We are in full-time ministry as a family of 10, everything makes a difference.

Thank you for being part of this movement to equip 1 million families and their legacies with Biblical truth to raise confident Christian kids in an uncertain world.

Reinvigorating Your Parenting Endurance

Parenting is a long game and we need strong endurance to do it well. We all get frustrated and discouraged in our parenting at times. Tune into this episode to get encouraged and practical help that will reinvigorate your motivation and energy for Biblical parenting.

In This Episode We Discuss:

  • List and discuss the parenting challenges you are experiencing
  • Think about what you can influence that makes the biggest impact
  • Make sure you get in alignment with your spouse about the changes needed
  • Distill down to 1-3 things you want to change 
  • Reignite your vision for parenting your kids

Scriptures In This Episode:

Isaiah 40:11 “He will tend his flock like a shepherd; he will gather the lambs in his arms; he will carry them in his bosom, and gently lead those that are with young.”

Galatians 6:7 “Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap.”

Philippians 4:11-13Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need. I can do all things through him who strengthens me.”

Proverbs 29:18 “Where there is no prophetic vision the people cast off restraint, but blessed is he who keeps the law.”

2 Corinthians 2:5 “Now if anyone has caused pain, he has caused it not to me, but in some measure–not to put it too severely–to all of you.”



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  • DONATE, to become a bigger part of shifting the culture of future generations through impacting 1 million families and their legacies. We are in full-time ministry as a family of 10, everything makes a difference.

Thank you for being part of this movement to equip 1 million families and their legacies with Biblical truth to raise confident Christian kids in an uncertain world.